
Saturday, January 22, 2011


We were talking about excessive waste of funds by Trimet executives when Rolf gave an example of a bridge that connects two fields at the Sunset Transit Center.
I didn't remember the bridge that Rolf referred to but here it is, on Google earth.
We go under this bridge every time we come in and out of the Sunset Transit Center, and it actually does connect two fields! I drove by this bridge on my way home tonight and you can see that at the end of January 21 movie.


Max said...

It looks like there used to be a farm (growing roses) where Sunset TC is now. What's left is TriMet land where the garage + station sit, but then the rest of it (both sides of the bridge and the road itself) appear to be on a single lot owned by the original farm owners.

I bet the bridge was put in as a concession to TriMet putting in the road that divided up the family's land.

Max said...

BTW: you can take a look at and see what their plan for all of the land they own is.

Al M said...

Interesting Max!
I wonder if any of it will happen?
I got my doubts.

Max said...

Here's an image of the property map. The white line is the MAX.

Of course I don't know what happened; just making a guess based on the property map.

Some of it already has happened. There are a few "peterkort" office buildings near St Vincent; and also the strip mall at Barnes & Cedar Hills is "Peterkort Towne Square" (Albertson's, Outback, etc).