
Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Union Members only allowed to view this info!


Jeff Welch said...

As a taxpayer subsidized nonprofit organization, the financial records of your Local are subject to public scrutiny. If there is malfeasance going on, it isn't just the members - put the public - that's getting screwed.

Stop protecting the bastards.

Al M said...

Jeff I understand that your no union supporter, but I (and Chris Day) are avid pro union people.

Given that fact, we do not want to cause any damage to the union if we don't have too!

Jeff Welch said...


Who said I'm not pro-union? I'm unhappy with my Local. No taxpayer subsidized nonprofit organization deserves protection by maintaining secrecy. You've knocked TriMet for pulling this kind of crap - why protect the union for doing the same?

Al M said...

I want the truth, as do others, but I do not want to weaken the union right now in the middle of all this anti union shit going on!

Al M said...

your supposed to be in school right now!

。◕ ‿ ◕。

Al M said...

If I have to pick sides i side with the UNION!

Jeff Welch said...


Hypocrite alert - and this time, it's you.

You get all fired up about Trimet incompetence, secrecy, management stonewalling, selective enforcement of policy, etc. - but somehow it's O.K. by you when your union does the same thing.

How could your Local possibly be more weak? Only 1 out of 15 properties represented by 757 even has a contract. You guys have been without one for going on 2 years now. Your President is a convicted drunk driver, your Board has rejected reasonable calls to deal with the misbehavior of its own members, rejected reasonable requests for information - and now according to you has some inconsistencies in their finances.

How exactly is your protecting them making your union stronger - or you a legitimate advocate for competence in the organizations that both employ and represent us?