
Thursday, May 5, 2011

How to Quit the Union

Like this:

President Bachtel,

Please accept my permanent resignation as a member from ATU Local 587, effective upon your receipt and acknowlegement of this message. In accordance with the bylaws of this Union, my voluntary withdrawal from membership is for political reasons, and in accordance with FLSA provisions even within "work at will" states such as Washington State.

Please advise as to how to make arrangments for meeting the required financial obligation so that I may designate an appropriate organization to receive fees that I would otherwise be paying as membership dues and other fees to Local 587.

Jeff Welch

Sick and tired of the petty politics, corruption, self-aggrandizement and idiocy of your local? I am.

FUCK ATU, I'm done. More info HERE.


Al M said...

Can you do this Jeff?

Jeff Welch said...


Yep. Follow the link. I can and did and recommend any and all people sick and tired of the 4 year-olds running their useless, corrupt, member ass-fucking union do the same.