
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Punkrawker needs to work at TRIMET

This post is rated ***** on the safety scale.

Your blogger buddies are encouraging fellow blogger Chad Solomon to apply as a Mini Runner at the #1 Transit agency in the wide wide world, TRIMET!


punkrawker4783 said...


Al M said...

Cause you can live on part time pay here!
Apparently not the case up in Seattle.

Jeff Welch said...

What does TriMet guarantee new hires in terms of hours?

punkrawker4783 said...

Per the contract, which has expired ( Min 4 hours per day, Max 30 hours per week. Wage progression is 75% of top rate with 5% every 6 months until at 100%. 6 Month Probationary period, at that point you get your free pass to ride. Can move up to FT or Rail at any time.

Al M said...

Right you get a minimum of 30 hours a week, livable wage, so you can have somewhat decent life working as a part time bus driver.

Hell, I've been doing it now for almost 15 years as a part timer.
I love it, would never consider being a full time operator in this hell hole, but part time, ITS THE BEST!

Jeff Welch said...

More evidence our own Local 587 has and continues to sell PTTO's down the river.

Chad is correct - the only guarantee here is 2.5 hours per day; 12.5 hours per week. I didn't get my first piece of over 3 hours until my 3rd pick - after 8 months.

It takes 6 years Part Time to get to the top of the wage scale, with the first raise coming after 2 years; and you can't take any paid vacation until your third year. That's 2 years with no raise (save COLA's) and over 2 years without any paid vacation.

punkrawker4783 said...

Al, its a min of 20 per week, max of 30 (4hrs/day X 5 = 20hrs).

Days off are not necessarily consecutive, or on weekends.

Jeff Welch said...

Also probation period here is a full year, and ongoing if you plan on going to full time as they apply the same point system for all PT to FT applicants covering the PTTO's most recent 12 months of work. We call this "rolling probation". You can only go to rail (all Full Time) or full time bus side when the County hires to replace for attrition. KC is currently updating its PT to FT applicant list, presumably planning a full time class in October. This last comes as a bit of a surprise, as Local 587 had asked the County not to do anymore hiring this year to ensure overtime availability for full time Operators; and significant cuts in service are looming.

punkrawker4783 said...

One final note on the pay-

TriMet is $13.83/hr, METRO is $19.93/hr, SO:

19.93 X 2.5 = 49.83 - 0 State Income Tax = $49.83.
13.83 X 4 = 55.32 - 9% State Income Tax = $50.34.
51¢ difference.

I also didn't see any thing about taking over vacations, or ways to aquire extra work due tot he 30hr max in the contract.