
Saturday, August 13, 2011


Union members will vote on charges against Ellen Fox in the next round of union hearings.
I would imagine that the first thing that most people will think is “here we go again, Chris Day and Ellen Fox “
But this is not the issue in the latest case. The issue this time is a member taking ‘private’ information about other union members and giving that information to the company for discipline and to the public at large.

This is what Ellen Fox is charged with. Taking the list of signatories on the previous  charges and publishing them publicly and handing them over to the company for disciplinary purposes.

Anybody can go over to her silly little vendetta blog and  read her hysterical words about various people that she doesn’t like. Interestingly enough her blog address is ‘regarding the rants of al m’, yours truly.  Some of you may remember that Ellen Fox and I had a tussle back a few years about a recording I made of her. To make a long story short she tried several times (twice) to get retribution from me using the legal system. In her first case she sued for $7500, the judge, after reviewing all the evidence, awarded her $100 because he could see that I had “upset’ her. But he also realized that there were no real damages involved with the case, just her wounded pride. Ellen Fox, never the one to actually accept facts she doesn’t like, tried again to sue me, this time at the Peoples Court. (The episode was never broadcast) In the second case she lost completely, and was admonished by the judge to stop the frivolous law suits. On her way out the door, she was asked by the interviewer if this would “be the end to this feud with me”. She answered “yes it was over”. My history with Ellen Fox is HERE!

But it was not over, within a month she started this new blog all about me, and my rants. She continued making the case that I was “cyber stalking her” and that she “was afraid for her life”.  Complete lies and fabrications are her technique . I ignore her now; she is a comical character in my mind.

 However, She has become very proficient in playing the role of the helpless female  victimized by the beastly male!  And she gets away with it, over and over.

In the latest case however, she took the names and driver numbers  of all  the signatories on the previous preferring of charges, not only published them publicly, but also asked the TRIMET management to discipline the members who signed that petition, all strictly prohibited by the ATU constitution!

21.7- ATU Constitution and General Laws states:

No officer or member shall furnish to any unauthorized member a list of names and addresses (drivers ID numbers). All business of the LU must be kept must be kept strictly private from persons outside the union…………If found guilty shall be suspended, fined, or expelled from the union.

Ellen Fox has clearly violated the above section of the union constitution, and she continues violating the constitution as she has also published the names of all the parties to the latest preferring of charges.

Some of you might remember the Khris Alexander preferring of charges. In that case I published all the documents related to the case. I DID NOT publish the names of the signatories.  On the advice of ATU 757 President Jon Hunt I removed from public display the entire posting, as at the time I was not aware of the constitutional prohibitions on divulging this information.

In this case regarding  Ellen Fox, if she is found “innocent” or if the charges are dropped precedent will be established  for all future behavior of union members and privacy. No longer will there be any expectation of privacy when it comes to union business. All members will be free to publish names of members who are involved with any union business such as termination proceedings, preferring of charges, or anything else. I will then be free to republish the documents in the Khris Alexander case and anything else that I deem interesting in the future.

In a very strange way, I hope that Ellen comes out on top in this case, so we can always make our union business public in the future! 

Shining the public spotlight on things is one way of bringing about change to otherwise unchangeable institutions. Institutions cling to "secrecy' in an effort to maintain the power structure. "Transparency" is the opposite of "secrecy".


Jeff Welch said...

Seriously - my prefeence would be to allow anyone? Anyone?

J said...

"Lesbian" has nothing to do with it. I don't think anyone cares what her sexual orientation is because it's totally irrelevant. Her actions are the problem.

Al M said...

She's a rouge and is enabled by Trimet management and our union.

She is reckless in her lies about people.

She operates without any sense of ethics.

J said...

Agreed on all counts. And I agree with the post... it just seemed irrelevant for Jeff to have included "lesbian" in his comment. It would be like calling her a brunette - who cares, because it has nothing to do with her unethical actions which is the real issue.

punkrawker4783 said...

Jeff, including "Lesbian" in an attacking comment like that is offensive. People who read this blog could belong to that category, and it makes you sound discriminatory. Please try to refrain. Thank You.

Jeff Welch said...

Yikes. I re-read that and it did not sound right at all. Al - you can zap that one. You're right, Chad, my bad.

Jeff Welch said...


You're absolutely right. Not sure where that came from. I chalk it up to a late night after a hard day exposing a bias I didn't know I had. Will do some soul searching on this one. I do apologize - the inclusion was inappropriate.

punkrawker4783 said...

I forgive you =)

Jeff Welch said...

More than I deserve on this one. Sheesh - what the hell was I thinking?

Al M said...

No big deal Jeff, we all knew what you actually meant, it just came out wrong:

Jeff Welch said...
Give it up. She's a pathetic, psychotic example of an employee looking for "victim" status. Stop giving him this lowly unfortunate example of an otherwise deserving person exemplary examination of otherwise deserved discipline.

Jeff Welch said...

Reading through that modified run-on sentence, now *I'm* not even sure what I meant. Freaking Benadryl.

Al M said...

I have to agree it is a strangely worded sentence. The proceedings are going on as we speak, I'll be at tomorrows meeting.