
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Wasting time and money at TRIMET

Today will be my 'step three' grievance hearing, where I am contesting TRIMETS assertion that they have the right to regulate my off duty behavior, in my house, at my personal desk, on my personal time, using my personal computer, accessing publicly available information for this blog.

I am under threat of termination if I continue doing this particular  activity.

Other than the complete absurdity of putting me through this, (while other drivers throw mom's and babies off buses) JUST BECAUSE THEY CAN, lets look at the cost involved with this.

There will be three union personnel and three management personnel in attendance, all on the clock, getting paid and taking time to deal with this. (And me, on my own time without pay of course)

All of that costs money, but at TRIMET money is no object when it comes to the whim of the management that control this place.

Sacrifice is only for the "little people" around here, namely the riders and the drivers.

The BONANZA continues for everybody else like hogs at the trough.

1 comment:

punkrawker4783 said...

No Pay for you, really? That should be in the contract, especially if its involuntary (which most hearings are since they called YOU on the carpet).

More BS.