
Sunday, March 4, 2012


I wanted to know if I was the only one that saw that.  Did you also notice "our" leader seemed unsure about talking about "our" issues?  Not really knowing what to say about "our" increasing need for health care.  Unacceptable.  Anyway, there is something I need to say, did anyone notice the new work cards?  I think Trimet heard "us" and is trying to get ahead of "us" on this issue, so they can say, "no one reported anything"  So if everyone can fill the card out (ask your station agent or check your pouch) on "every" single bus you get on, "we" can finally put the pressure back on them, to get those dirty busses cleaned, it's been a year plus.  Since "our" so-called leadership refuses to take up this issue, it is up to "us" to take care of "our" own health and safety.  PASS THE WORD AROUND!!!!  LETS HIT THEM WITH HUNDREDS OF THESE A DAY, EVERYDAY!!!!

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