
Tuesday, March 6, 2012


There are very few bloggers who have the tenacious character of Erik. Even if you don't agree with him you have to give him A+ for internet presence and concentration of his focus....this is in response to Seen and Heard: Wheels on the bus, buswork and the gender of MAX? « How We Roll – A Blog for TriMet Fans

Erik Halstead
Seriously, TriMet. You want to cut MY BUS LINE and claim service cuts are last. But TriMet has money to burn for someone to post stupid, ridiculous crap like this?? I am so glad that surfing the internet and asking silly questions is more important than performing the basic functions of a transit agency. If TriMet cuts my bus line I will be finding out - name AND salary - of the person who apparently has so much time on MY dime to post this. This is UNACCEPTABLE and as a citizen, rider and taxpayer this is a HUGE waste of the money I put in a farebox, pay in property taxes, and have my payroll taxes go to!!!


Anonymous said...

How can we arrange a debate over budget cuts between Neil MacFarlane and our man Erik? This is something the riding public (and taxpayers in general) deserves. As a local transit expert and longtime Trimet rider, Erik has more than earned the right to go head to head with the Minister of Disinformation. Let the public decide which one of these men is truly looking out for their best transit

Steve Fung said...

I agree.He would be the kryptonite
to the misinformation put out there by the right wing.