
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Trimet ministry of propaganda playing the media and public opinion like a Stradivarius

My comments:
""""In June of 2009 TriMet won Common Sense for Oregon's GOLDEN FLEECE AWARD for having the most expensive employee benefit package in the United States.""""
---->There has never been any evidence presented to back up any of those claims. Even if it WERE TRUE, we make $5.00 an hour LESS than other comparable transit districts. On a 40 hour week that saves Trimet $200 week/$800 a month REDUCING the cost for the 'golden fleece' health care from $1600 (which is what my blue cross through Trimet costs, I've seen the accounting) too $800/month.
It's no surprise that ALL THE MAJOR MEDIA (Including my pal Joe Rose) has chosen to ignore that IMPORTANT FACT.

The health care industry in this country is criminal in nature.
It is the #1 cause of bankruptcy in these United States.
Our rulers always protect the monied interests by attacking the little people and increasing their costs.
It's time for people to wake up to the truth of our situation.
Trimet is using the labor dispute to create a distraction from management bungling and incompetence.
Even with all the mass media behind the corrupt Trimet managers, many citizens of Portland and surroundings are not the uneducated masses of most of this country.
They are able to see through the smokescreen created by TriMet's world renown propaganda department and understand there is much more wrong with TriMet than the union health care plans.
And to all you people who just can't wait to throw stones at us and our health care benefits, I only wish you would come ride a couple of 40+ hour work weeks with us so you can see exactly what we have to do and how we have to live to work at this quasi military type institution.
You would understand why we are fighting so hard for our medical benefits.
This job is a proven killer, you will need some decent health benefits if you work at Trimet.

TriMet reduces service cuts, spares 'short hopper' transfers in revised budget-balancing plan |

TriMet: Our Refined Budget Proposal

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