
Sunday, June 17, 2012

TriMet does use Federal bus money

From TriMet: Public Notice - Final FY13 Program of Projects:

Bus and Rail Preventive Maintenance: $40,946,000 Section 5307 funds, $9,200,000 Section 5309FG funds, and $16,338,500 STP funds

New Bus Shelters: $140,000 CMAQ funds
Bus Stops and CCTV: $1,360,000 Homeland Security funds, $560,000 CMAQ funds, $654,000 Section 5307 funds

Section 5309, Bus and Bus Facilities: 80% Federal, $330,728

Veterans Initiative: $330,728 Section 5309 Bus and Bus Facilities funds (passed through to Ride Connection)

Some of the other programs probably go to help bus riders, too


Erik H. said...

Wow. So you are saying that TriMet treats bus equal to rail? Ok...the section 5309 grant won't pay for a single bus. TriMet SHOULD be applying for -and receiving - somewhere around $50 million in that fund...

Or the $1.5 million for bus stop improvements - EXACTLY how much money did TriMet spend on EACH of the MAX stops that TriMet improved (Rockwood, Gresham Central, Civic Drive) or the cost of each of the MAX stations on the Green Line or on WES?

Al M said...

His post doesn't really give any specifics on how much was in reality spent on bus stops.

It's very vague.

Jason McHuff said...

So you are saying that TriMet treats bus equal to rail?

Didn't you say that TriMet doesn't use Federal money to improve bus service?

Do you think that 10 people (which a bus stop might serve) should be treated the same as 1000 people (which a MAX station may serve)?

and receiving - somewhere around $50 million in that fund...

How are you certain they could get that? I don't think the Federal government hands out blank checks.

EXACTLY how much money did TriMet spend on EACH of the MAX stops that TriMet improved (Rockwood, Gresham Central, Civic Drive) or the cost of each of the MAX stations on the Green Line or on WES?

As I, Max and others have been saying, exactly how much of that money came from outside, restricted sources?

And what exactly did they do at Gresham Central besides put up a metal fence?