
Friday, July 20, 2012


Those of us that have been blogging/facebooking/or tweeting know how poorly the mass media serves the people. The mass media has been bought and paid for by the monied interests which are the corporate/government "partnerships" that exist around us, in this particular case TRIMET.

Every single news outlet covered the anti union ruling by Gaba. Although some of the media actually made some reference to the illegal and unethical sections of that Trimet contract, none of them actually delved into it.

Now we have yet another ruling, which has strongly condemned Trimet management on many levels, but where is the media? NOT ONE BIT OF COVERAGE, FROM ANYONE!

People shouldn't expect the mass media to do investigative stories. That job belongs to the 'fringe' media.


Anonymous said...

I am also a bit surprised that no media coverage has occured. I ask myself "should I really be surprised?" I'm also thinking that maybe its better that way.

Al M said...

How could it possibly be better that way?
The managers are exposed for the scum they are and the public needs to be informed.

Anonymous said...

Yes the public should be informed, but are they really? I contend that the masses media spends very little time providing equal coverage and that most people don't, won't or can't delve deeper for the truth. They don't inform themselves.

Anonymous said...

oops forgot to add the 'better off' part
As a recently retired (from trimet)
union member I suggest that media coverage on rulings favorable to us may fuel the public contempt for
us even more at this time. The union needs all the support we can
get. We need positive statements hammered over and over and over again. All the people need to wake up! The middle and lower class
are getting crushed. The oppression is sooo pervasive.
People need to realize when some of the downtrodden lift up more can follow. Public perception can change and the media could fuel that.

Anonymous said...

The media exposure from Margulies' blog has gained and will continue to gain national attention.
What is interesting is that after readers (including many in Salem and Washington DC) view local transit news, they go to Margulies' site to read the in- depth detail.

Anonymous said...

Joe Rose and Portland Media, where are you?

Al M said...

I don't have the slightest idea why this is a complete news blackout.
Even if it means nothing it deserves some media attention