
Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Blinky lights are a winner

I have heard that this years crop of Trimet blinky lights are a real winner. Interestingly each year the lights they hand out are different in terms of quality of the lights. This is one little thing that really makes a difference in the visibility of waiting bus riders. Drivers recognize the blinky lights and automatically stop.
I remember when Trimet introduced the blinky lights, they became a bus operator secret society hello code and you'd see bus drivers turning on their blinkies as they passed in the night 
In the video below you will see two buses passing in the night blinking each other 'back in the day' when men were men and bus drivers were bus drivers and the world actually knew that transit bus drivers are the safest drivers on the road.

1 comment:

busman said...

we as driver haven't had any to hand out for years its a phone app now