
Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Neal Berlin

Welcome to the effects when you have incompetent Union leadership,( that’s misnomer!). TriMets game plan has been a slow picking away at benefits for the Rank & File for past 20 years plus , that coincides with my working career with them. The final blow to any ATU 757 power to counter TriMet management was when the Union lost the right to strike. To make it worse  the Union helped get that provision in place.  This current contract that’s under negotiation might the last gasp of organization that has any relevance in the lives of those who do the real work, day in day out.  It is sad state of affairs but was totally avoidable.  I fear it’s way to late to restore what was once a Union that many had a vision and the power to achieve a better way of life for its members.  If the events of the future prove me wrong I will rejoice and admit I was to pessimistic. My black funeral suit is clean and hanging in the closet,I do hope it remains there.

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