Wednesday, March 20, 2024

This is the complete Sammy TriMet February Town hall

This is the complete Sammy TriMet February Town hall , I think there is one episode missing - I do NOT enjoy watching these over paid unaccountable executive hacks trying to sell us these preposterous idea's of how great everything is but there are a couple people who enjoy watching me lose my shit with this material so I watch them - Remember your service is still cut, your fares have been raised, there have been endless service disruptions, the executive salaries are the highest in history, the pork barrels are unending ,the bureaucracy just keeps expanding and "they" still haven't figured out how to end the "operator shortage" - You are being lied to on a massive scale, just like the rest of 'government' is doing to us. If you haven't figured this out by now you will never figure it out.