Saturday, July 2, 2011


They round up inmates at 5:30am that have hearings later on at the court house. We sit together in a cell waiting for the prison truck to take us there, then they chain us together, load us on to the truck for a two block ride to the court house. They stick 20 of us in a cell, where we wait for our hearings. Finally they handcuffed my arms and my legs and I stumbled 20 into the court room. Yea, they treat us like animals in here.

(Remember the person writing this has not been convicted of anything yet. America has become the new Soviet Union complete with Gulags)


  1. I suspect that if you were one of the two guards assigned to escort hundreds of arrested people (20 at a time) in and around the courthouse (every day) you might similarly restrain them.

    Maybe not.

    But the first time one assaulted you and your partner, and the other 19 helped him put you both in the hospital...I suspect (since I've read many of your posts and if there's one's that) you would complain about how something should be done to make your job safer and protect you from the accused/arrested/poor victims of this imperialist regime.

  2. People with a HISTORY of violence have justification for chains.

    People arrested for anything else, no, and emphatic no.

    A secure facility, probably, but chains, no way, I will never support dehumanizing other human beings, especially ones that have NOT gone to trial!

  3. and what of the people YET to be caught for a heinous crime that are arrested for something else... Sorry Al, I gotta go with Veach on this one.

  4. There is no doubt I am the minority of one in this case, but my convictions remain firm.
