Delivering MORE and BETTER Service
TriMet’s Five Year Action Plan
We will build and operate the Total Transit System by delivering MORE SERVICE and BETTER SERVICE to our customers.
MORE and BETTER SERVICE is achieved by focusing on customer needs, ensuring financial stability and building partnerships for transit growth.
The result is service that is safe, dependable, responsive, easy and inviting.
What do we do in the next five years?
1. Focus On Customers Create a culture of safety Build and operate Portland-Milwaukie Light Rail Restore 15 minute or better service on Bus and MAX Expand service to relieve peak-hour crowding Expand bus service to enhance local community connections Simplify and streamline the fare system Increase TriMet presence on the system
2. Enhance Financial Stability Increase fare system efficiency Bring benefit costs in line with projected revenue Increase employee productivity through improved attendance Identify efficiencies, streamline processes and engage in continuous improvement
3. Build Partnerships For Transit Growth Engage our customers and constituents in ongoing conversations about service needs, improvements and funding Strengthen partnerships with other jurisdictions to ensure growing investment in transit access Build new partnerships for new projects identified in the region’s high capacity transit plan
The king of safety is not wearing his seatbelt.