Wednesday, April 18, 2012

It looks like there will actually be some new buses showing up here


  1. Hurray for the new seats w/o fabric!
    Notice they will have windows that actually open.
    I wish they would have placed adjustable louvers along the roof and/or side of bus to remove stale air/humidity.

  2. As a long-time rider I prefer the fabric seats. Not like the non-fabric seats will get cleaned, right?

  3. Gilligs are much cooler than all the lame New Flyers that dominate the low floor feet. And 93% paid for by the Feds, tell me again why Trimet hasn't been able to come up with a 7% contribution to modernize it's s entire dinosaur fleet? Oh right, that would involve providing the public a "total transit experience ", and buses run on wheels, not choo choo tracks ...
