@tmielonen While excessive noise is not allowed on TriMet, we do not require riders to use headphones, but I will pass on your suggestion.
— TriMet (@trimet) June 25, 2012
@trimet @tmielonen Not to be needlessly contrary, but TMC28.15.A4 says otherwise re: headphones. And I've asked passengers to use them.
— MAX FAQs (@maxfaqs) June 25, 2012
(4) Radios, Compact Disk Players and other Sound-Emitting Devices without Earphones: No person except a peace officer, firefighter, District employee, or emergency response professional, in the course of employment, shall operate a radio, compact disk player, MP3 player, video player or other sound-emitting device, aboard any District Vehicle or in or upon any District Station, unless the only sound produced by such item is emitted by a personal listening attachment (earphone) audible only to the person carrying the device producing the sound.