Saturday, July 21, 2012

Even Claudine made the express line

I believe I may be the only operator ever to not be listed in the express line. The irony in my case was that I qualified FOR ALL THREE CATEGORIES-15 years service/promotion to full time/and retired.I bet ya that's never been done before I am proud to leave with such grace!


 Claudeen Hendren, Bus Operator, 13 years.

And this name is VERY FAMILIAR:
Rogene Clements, Coordinator Employee Programs, 18 years; 


  1. Three cheers for Claudeen..may she enjoy a long and joyful life in her retirement.

    Getting a mention in TriMet's "Express Line" does nothing to adequately desribe your hard work and long hours while moving people safely on public transportation.

    I am certain you were ignored, mocked, and abandoned by your management team. They are a regretful group and they failed you. Now, keep your head up and go forward with the grace and goodwill that you have always had within you.

  2. Al,

    Don't get mad, just keep on reporting and opinionating...

    Slugs don't like salt...

    Every time you get a post here, you get personal recognition.

    Looking in the rearview mirror is for the insecure & incompetent.

  3. There are many days at my own work in which I feel that I can never count on the appreciation of those above me, but I can certainly count on the appreciation of my customers who repeatedly thank me for being efficient and helpful in serving them.

    I deal with probably 40, 50 customers directly (as in speaking with them on the phone), and an additional 50-100 customers through various reports and assigned work that I do - mostly to ensure they are billed accurately and correctly. I am probably reviewed on no more than six customer contacts - per month. Management's perception of my work is thus determined not by the hundreds of satisfied customers I deal with, but by a small sample of six.

    Sometimes, I just chug along thinking "I may not make a different for my bosses, but I absolutely make a positive impact for my customers. At the end of the day, who's right?"
