Monday, July 23, 2012


It has finally occurred to us that Mcfarlanes tactic is to DRIVE ALL OF HIS EMPLOYEES INSANE. And he is succeeding very well ,I hope he is proud of himself.

Anyway here is the best suggestion yet on how to handle this:

Idea!!! It's understood that we do not have the ability to go on strike against our employer. But.. Who says we can't all lay our head in our hands at the same time and have a mass "nervous breakdown" and go out on workmanship comp? Then the next day everyone matches down to the courthouse and sue McF personally for mental anguish. He has caused this for all of us. Our message would ring very clear... And we'd all get paid!!!
 I'm pretty sure if McF and the board found themselves in a financial position that required representing 1000 or so law suits claiming harassment and mental anguish they'd leave us alone!! I wonder if Trimet and the city would throw them under the bus and make them pay the law bills themselves. 

Damn wouldn't that make great front page press, "Neil McF and cronies claim personal bankruptcy in the wake of 1000 lawsuits lodged by Trimet employees. Side story... Milwaukie Light Rail opening ceremonies are still planned next week!!!" I'd fucking love it!!!!

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