Monday, January 28, 2013

Check out these new buses in Dallas


  1. Please remind me WHY don't we have those buses?

  2. As much as I like to see news media give positive coverage to bus service, this reporter was not exactly safe (standing in front of the yellow line, which is a federal violation; manipulating the security door, talking to the driver). Those kinds of things should have been done in the garage area on a parked bus.

    That said, nice to see reporters ON a revenue bus with actual riders.

  3. The sentence you'll never hear re. Trimet bus fleet- "The is what the fleet will look like totally in the next three years."

  4. But wait now, TriMet wants you to tour one of FOUR Hybrids tomorrow.......

    Lets see thats 0.02% of Metros 40' Hybrid fleet, and only 0.00669% of Metros total hybrid fleet of 598, not including the hybrids we run for Sound Transit. You GO TriMet!

  5. The company's no.2 safety hazard on display in this vid, "PEOPLE WALKING AROUND THE BUS, WHILE IN OPERATIONS." What if he had to hit the brakes, what would have happended to the reporter, it's called, "lets see how she kisses the farebox."

  6. Re. the Trimet hybrids- Why do we once again stick our toe in the water with 4 hybrids?
    It's not like Trimet is trying out a brand-new unproven technology at this point. They either work as advertised or they don't. Why have 4 buses with completely different repair parts requirements mixed in with the diesel fleet?

  7. Imagine how many new buses they could perchase, instead of wasting money on the hybrids, that takes more money to repair and maintain, not to mention tool costs. Just look where to last H-buses are, "on the scrap heep" now.
