Is Mcfarlane worth $221k/yr or $106/hr? What does he do exactly? Nobody really knows that do we?
He goes around to all the public events and makes nice little speeches. He has created this huge army of high priced cronies to do all the work of running Trimet so how does he occupy his day?
I've been looking through the Trimet budget document and see that not only does he get the fat pay check, he has a number of questionable line 'expense items' that really could be used for anything.
"other services", "other materials", "local travel and meetings", "education and training" "out of town travel" , and "official meeting expenses". How much does that all add up to?
That's 1/3 of his salary. It's nice to be an executive at Trimet.
Especially when you are complaining about your employees getting 'too much'.
Especially when you are complaining about your employees getting 'too much'.
So he gets paid to be at Board meetings?