Saturday, January 25, 2014

Penny stands up to Tristapo!

I remember that guy who is now a fare inspector, he's a nice guy. Too bad he chose to be a fare Nazi, I wouldn't take that job for six figures. She did have valid fare the fare inspector should have moved on.  I like the way she handled this,  She might be able to beat it. Spunky young lady there! And now Trimet has made yet another enemy. And they wonder why they are losing ridership.
Fare Inspector said Penny was 'to loud'


  1. The Trimet Fare Inspector retaliated against her by issuing the exclusion. She should be able to sue him for creating public embarrassment and time spent in court.

    She should also file a report to the Trimet Citizens advocate committee.

  2. No such thing as The'citizens advocate committee'

  3. Transit cops are pros. But the girl was a loudmouth and stuck her nose into someone elses situation.

  4. Freedom to express yourself doesn't include Trimet I guess

  5. First Amendment
    Amendment I

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

  6. Houston we have a problem here in Portland, Oregon and it’s called Tri Met. This young lady did nothing wrong. She has her Constitutional right to Freedom of Speech. She said she is from Texas, where they value and practice their Constitutional rights.
    Here in Oregon it has become a very strange and dangerous socialistic police state. In our public schools those freedoms and rights are not being taught. So we have a very uniformed and uneducated population in Oregon of the knowledge that protects us from this kind of abuse of power.
    Another thing I noticed is that the fare inspector talked down to this young lady in a bullying tone. With this not becoming a “race issue” which is not intended in this observation, ( and really it’s getting old to even have to make that statement so some lunatic doesn’t go off) I would assume that where this man came from, being it more a cultural issue, women are not treated or regarded as equals’ and therefore have no rights.
    This Bullying is a good example how in general Tri Met treats the public and their employees. Tri Met employees are bombarded with this kind of accusatory and belittling treatment. Accused of something and then never being able to defend yourself. This kind of attitude is hired and promoted within Tri Met.
    Another trend has been to hire indifferent ex-military has-beens. You know the type that can’t fit into normal society so Tri Met hires these people to manage and bully the employees.
    Good example of these kinds of has-beens is at the Powell Garage. Two are the top managers and the other is the shaggers boss. These are the type of people who would do the dirty work for Charles Manson (Neil McFarlane and Randy Stedman) so not to have blood on his own hands for the crimes that are being committed.
    Thank God this young lady had the where a bout’s to video the whole thing. This young lady did not have to give the fare inspector any ID. She proved she had valid fare. She should sue for pain and suffering, discrimination, emotional distress, ect, ect and what it cost her to find an alternative way to get to work.

  7. The only reason Trimet exists at all is because they are a tax payer funded monopoly. Everybody in this city hates them. They are the poster child for government gone wild.

  8. OMG, she is sexy hot, I like her!

  9. She really did need to get excluded. When I ride the Max I won't want to hear that annoying voice. The fare inspector was just trying to do his job, and she starts harassing him and tells him he should be ashamed of himself for checking the fares. That is just over the line. I am sure she would not appreciate if he came to here job and harassed her. Then she tells him I am just going to take my time getting my time getting my transfer out. Now she is just trying to prevent him from working. I say exclude her.
    Also I lived in Texas for 15 years. I would not say they value and practice their constitution any more than any other state. I have been pulled over by the police while I was doing nothing wrong, but having out of state plates. And had my car searched and given speeding tickets when I was going the speed limit. Sure the tex-mex is good, but that is about it. I have driven for Tri-Met and Houston Metro. Forget about getting anywhere on Metro. I take the 102 express out of IAH and after an hour of riding this bus you will realize you are still in the airport area. I find the drivers at tri-met a lot more friendly.

  10. Having an 'annoying voice' is irrelevant. The man gave her a penalty because she expressed herself. It's a horrible abuse of authority. Despicable actually, he needs some serious retraining. If you don't have a skin thick enough to deal with disgruntled riders without abusing your authority you certainly do not belong in a job like that. But what else would we expect from Trimet? Is there anybody in that place that actually does their job properly? It sure doesn't seem like it. From the very top to the lowly bottom nobody over there seems to have a clue as to what they are doing. Year after year after year the public is subjected to this gross incompetence. I have a car so I never have to deal with these morons.

  11. Some of us who work at tri mess realize what is going on but we are between a rock and a hard place. We try to do our jobs the best we can under the curcumstances. We are working in a war zone. One in which I would like to leave as soon as possible.I work hard every day, with no breaks and no respect. Tri Mess has become a horrible place to work at. I truly care about my fellow operators. Its them that keeps me grounded. We are all under extreme stress these days. It use to not be that way and it really is a shame that tri mess has become what it is. Don't blame the operators. We can't even sneeze with out someone calling in. If there was a change in management I bet you then there would be a giant change in attitude. Neil needs to go. Something must be done. Its not the drivers fault because we don't write the schedules or make the rules.

  12. She did not just express herself, she was trying to get under his skin. She was harassing him, so I have no sympathy for her. To me this is just bad behavior. She yells at him for doing his job. She was being belligerent. The video proves this.You go into any place of business and if you act this way you will be thrown out. Try it, go to a restaurant and continually tell your server that they should be ashamed of themselves. Lets see what kind of service you get. She was trying to prevent him from doing his job and calling him names. Why couldn't she just show her fare instead of mouthing off? It a Tri-Met vehicle, if you are being belligerent they have the right to exclude you. Hopefully so can go back to Texas and learn some manners.

  13. you are all saying "oh he's just doing his job, blah, blah, blah..." well, i'm just living life, trying to get home, and this nazi comes up to me... all i asked was "why are you hassling people?" he automatically needed to "see my I.D" you guys weren't there... you guys don't know... so just go back to your little lives and be robots some more... "yes maam, yes sir" is all you'll ever know. i'm not intimidated by "authority" and no one else should be either. it's good to ask questions. it's good to know your rights. i'm sorry you guys think i'm a loudmouth, etc, BUT AT LEAST I HAVE A VOICE.

  14. and also, I WAS NOT YELLING. you people OBVIOUSLY don't know what yelling is.

  15. this guy is a LIAR. not ONCE did i yell. he was trying to find EVERY REASON in the book to exclude me, and when i take it to court, i think i'm going to press charges... they threatened my job. and i will win BY ALL MEANS NECESSARY.

    on my exclusion, he put that my eye color was "BLEW"... SERIOUSLY??!! my eyes are BROWN, first of all! and if you can't even spell BLUE, then you do NOT need to work for "authority".

    second, he put that i was 5'7... CLEARLY, i'm NOT that tall. i'm 5'2.

    last, for my address. i gave him my Estacada address... he spelled Estacada as "Stakada"...

    anyway, i hope i have made my point clear.

  16. Your point is perfectly clear 'Penny'.

    Remember Trimet fare inspectors are looking at this material and they do have a right to defend themselves so that's to be expected.

    It's clear to me and many others the gentleman lost his cool when he decided to cite you and for that he should be sorry.

    Hopefully he will think twice before using his position as a way to retaliate against citizens who take offense to what he is doing.

  17. .You go into any place of business
    This is not a place of business, its a public transit system where the public is gathering.
    The man abused his authority pure and simple.
    No excuses for government agents who live off tax payers money then treat them like shit. End of discussion.

  18. Al i think it's time to disable anonymous comments again.

  19. Clearly it's because he's Muslim. Great brain trust you have going on here in the comments, Al.

  20. PUBLIC Transit does NOT mean FREE Transit (perhaps it could if not for 2 war mongers from Tex-ass, LBJ and W Bush (war criminal), who tragically spent trillions to kill millions). Paying $2.50 shouldn't give someone the right to belittle and interfere with someone whose job is to check fares (because Trimet doesn't have turnstiles like most systems do for paying customers). The fare inspector, who I believe is finishing his master's degree at PSU, did keep his cool, did he ever raise his voice like she did? Pay your fare, show your fare if asked, and be considerate to your fellow riders. Is it that hard? Save your drama and histrionics for real injustices, otherwise you become the boy who cried wolf.

  21. This is the best comment thread this blog has ever seen, that's an accomplishment!

    What "Penny Lane" did to that fare inspector was not her first 'like kind' attack on authority. It takes about 8 to 9 months to get caught red handed at "your game." This thread is PROOF.

    Heads up, that fare inspector will get away with it :( Scott free. The reason, "Penny Lane" will treat the Judge in the same way when she shows that video, it's her personality, and she will quickly learn a Lane Jensen Lesson, because that's how Portland rolls!

  22. My learned colleague Anonymous above does not understand the law. He/she missed the key word in the first amendment of the Bill of Rights: Congress. So Congress shall not create any laws abridging freedom of speech.

    That amendment does not apply to states or local government. That's why the Oregon Constitution has its own Bill of Rights. (Oregon Constitution, Article I, Section 8.)

    Section 8. Freedom of speech and press. No law shall be passed restraining the free expression of opinion, or restricting the right to speak, write, or print freely on any subject whatever; but every person shall be responsible for the abuse of this right.–

    The first amendment of the United States Bill of Rights is universally symbolic of the right, but strictly speaking the first amendment does not cover TriMet. Quoting it and thus highlighting portions of it in reference to TriMet is, thus, an error.

  23. I've thought about stopping the anonymous comments again but given the state of Trimet many people would be unable to comment further

  24. Heads up, that fare inspector will get away with it :( Scott free. The reason, "Penny Lane" will treat the Judge in the same way when she shows that video, it's her personality, and she will quickly learn a Lane Jensen Lesson, because that's how Portland rolls!

    The inspector will of course 'get away with it'. The question is will Penny be able to get the cite over ruled. As is mentioned on another post on this blog there has been precedent set here and it was not on the side of free speech

  25. What specifically did she get excluded for? She had fare. Do we know what it says on the citation? I don't see how she violated any part of the TriMet code... you could make the argument that she was outspoken & opinionated but that's hardly against the rules.

  26. I really appreciate all of the positive words you have given... BUT to all of the negative comments calling me a "loudmouth", etc., your negativity doesn't effect me at all. You are free to express your opinion. But, PLEASE be aware of the subject. Know what you are talking about. I did not break the law at all. Not once. I did not "yell". I spoke up because I was on a Max. It's loud, especially when you're going through tunnels. Anyway, I'm pursuing this, and things will go well. I know I will walk out of that courtroom with a smile on my face. I have the video as evidence, and that's all I need.

    You people need to know your rights. I know my rights. It's our duty to protect those rights. It's people that DON'T speak up that GET our rights taken away each and every day.

    Thanks for posting this on your blog! I want the word to get out. It NEEDS to get out. We can't just let people walk all over us.

  27. Hahaha, good read; I had to get in on the trolling band wagon.....just passing through.

  28. So here's the police report, folks:

    "Rachal Falls was on board train at Washington Park when contacted. Rachal Falls showed valid pass but continues to disrupt my job. Rachal Falls asked why TriMet bother people who work hard and make their life harder. I told Rachal Falls that I am doing my job. However, Rachal Falls was very aggressive and used inappropriate language. I asked to provide her ID and she refused. I called for police assistance and police arrived at Kings Hill."

    I did not use inappropriate language, nor was I aggressive. If you want to side with a complete LIAR, the choice is yours.

  29. I understand that he's Muslim. But I'm sure when he came to this country, he expected freedom, and when he walked in, he walked into Nazi Germany. This is nothing about race. When I look at people, I don't see color. I see personality. I see motives. His motive was to power-trip. And it's not going to happen with me. We are all equal, whether you're a homeless guy or the Queen of England. I can understand the spelling situation, but if you are working any form of authority, I would expect that you would know how to spell. I believe this guy is a good person, ultimately. But he did not use his authority in the correct manner.

  30. What Penny/Rachael doesn't conveniently have on video is her disrupting the fare inspector. He was addressing a rider who did not pay a fare. You have free speech but you do not have the right to interfere with people doing their job.

    Penny/Rachael needs to grow up.

  31. I tend to resent the portrayal of the U.S. or even TriMet being anywhere like Nazi Germany. Al likes to portray TriMet as a Gestapo-like police state as emphasis for his stance but we all know that in reality, they are a far cry from the barbaric and inhumane treatment performed by the Gestapo in the days of Nazi Germany.

    Sure, even though TriMet may be a corrupt monopolistic bureaucracy, if they were anything close to acting as true Gestapo, Al Margulies would have been tortured and killed way before this for printing anything negative about TriMet. The Nazis would not tolerate criticism and would act swiftly to snuff out anybody who dared to say or write anything negative sometimes even before having a chance to say it as frequently they'd act just on suspicion.

    If TriMet were true Gestapos, Rachel would have been immediately detained and sent to a concentration camp for daring to question "authority."

    We must pause every now and then while criticizing TriMet to realize just how good we have it today in the U.S. especially when comparing it with Nazi Germany.

  32. Trimet is hardly Nazi Germany but even the Nazi's didnt start hauling away people till the Nazi's had been in power for years. It all starts somewhere and the militarization of the transit system has a very terrorizing sound to it.
