Monday, April 21, 2014

Stacy&Witbek was charged with corruption

This was news to me but not a surprise given the state of affairs around here

In 1994, in a test of a new city policy aimed at cracking down on cheating contractors, city officials decided to ban Stacy & Witbeck from receiving any more city jobs for five years. The harsh sanction was the first of its kind, and still stands as the meanest punishment the city has ever imposed on one of its contractors. It was also costly, considering Stacy & Witbeck had garnered more than $150 million worth of work in San Francisco. The sanction was meant to send a message to all bidders for city work that there would be no boondoggles on then-Mayor Frank Jordan's watch, and it was certainly embarrassing for Stacy & Witbeck to be barred from bidding on municipal jobs in its own hometown.
The company fought the suspension all the way to the state Supreme Court. When that didn't work, it looked like Stacy & Witbeck would be out of the running for city jobs through the end of the millennium. But the salvation that was denied by the courts came with the election of Brown, whose administration decided to look more favorably on the company after it hired a close Brown ally as its lobbyist.
Greasing the Rails | SF Weekly


  1. Where is the oversite committee on all these projects. What I thought "NONE" so coruption is running ramant and the new Gilligans Island headquarters.

  2. Not saying that it means everything is fine now, but that article is from 14 years go
