Monday, September 15, 2014

MLR factoids

A reader writes:

Your post about the Portland Milwaukie light rail states:
"all the while spending $250,000,000 PER MILE to build this silly
light rail line to a town of 20,000 people"

As you should know, the Portland Milwaukie light rail line only has
one station in Milwaukie, and it is quite far south of downtown. The
rest are either in Portland or unincorporated Clackamas County.

Thus, it really isn't a "silly light rail line to a town of 20,000
people", but a silly light rail line to an intersection where there
happens to be an Elks Lodge and not much else.  Milwaukie failed to
act fast enough to purchase the old middle school property to convert
to a station, and thus unlike all other light rail lines TriMet has
built there will be no actual station at the population center.

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