Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Trimet stabbing saga part 2+3

Steve Duin
I think that if Fadi was able to con Trimet to this extent then he should be given a medal. I'm not saying that he did fake it, but if he did pull this off he's a better liar than Neil Mcfarlane himself!
Part 1 is HERE! 

Apparently Trimet ended the security detail after all these articles.
That story is HERE!

When TriMet driver Fadi Hamad reported he was stabbed on that July afternoon in 2013, it's hard to say who bought fully into his story.
One aggravated citizen - claiming to be a member of Hamad's extended family - certainly didn't. He contacted TriMet. He didn't hesitate to leave his phone number.

Remembering Bruce Hansen

Management Indifference to Worker Safety

“Fort Knox” is how employees refer to TriMet’s new downtown offices at Harrison Square. The name was inspired by the high security and locked doors that control access in and out, as well as by the $1 million management spent to buy furniture for the pricey new office space.

Management’s work environment is a stark contrast to that offered to many frontline workers and TriMet passengers.


These people really know how to manage public opinion. 
It's masterful, its surprising they are not working for the National Security Agency. (or maybe they are)

There is no other public agency in Portland that has a bigger public presence than Trimet.
Somehow they have integrated themselves into the 'face of Portland'. (which is nothing but Public Relations)

Bring out the train  like its 'something special'. 
The fact is its just another train, nothing special at all to it. 
 It's very close to a sporting event and the facade created  around that.

Pro Trimet propaganda takes over social media

Trimet's  latest conquest is Twitter
It certainly appears that Trimet bureaucrats have finally taken over social media to the same extent that they have taken over mainstream media. 

Six months ago and before that we would see very little pro Trimet tweets. The Trimet feed was basically filled with people bitching about the various travails they faced  riding Portland's public transit system. 

Today there are so many tweets that are basically propaganda (the new train, the new bridge, some stupid feel good story etc) that it has drowned out the complaints.

Obviously there is something more at work here , some kind of concerted effort has been made to seize social media from the critics.

And as usual, Trimet wins the battle, again

Mary Mary quite contrary

The whole of Portlandia has lost its mind over the type 5 MAX train, here's Mary in one of them!
Yes its our hero Mary Fetch, who has been a Trimet spokeswoman for more than 20 years now!
Mary, it looks like you need to get more sleep!

Monday, March 30, 2015

Makes a blogger proud!

While I was employed at Trimet they were constantly having to come up with new rules to fit my behavior.
HR 202 comes to mind. 
I think that I was the only employee in the history of Trimet to get written up for HR202, which was designed specifically for me.

Well I am gone for more than three years now but I am apparently still making waves over there.  

Trimet union busters hired

Two insiders of course. It's interesting that the union thing is emphasized. Not sure why that would be in there other than union busting protocols. Direct from the City of Portland police bureau no less.
Sure glad I am no longer an employee over there.

Guy in wheelchair enjoying Trimet service

Props to TriMet from a Temporary Wheelchair User

What's so great about the new max cars

See 'we're great' cause we say so
This is 'news'? Ya right sure it is.

Hardly a day goes by that the public is not indoctrinated by Trimet propagana

Do you think after 30 years the bureaucrats have finally figured out how to pick rider friendly max cars?
And the mainstream media dutifully does the bidding of its government masters

Trimet false propaganda

I've been watching the latest Trimet "news" (propaganda) about the Orange line coming in under budget. Originally reported at BIKE PORTLAND using such headlines as "far under budget":

Veronica S. picking up other people's garage and cigarette butts during her breaks at tri met transit centers.

Cause Trimet can't seem to figure out how to get this done properly
Veronica is a Trimet bus driver

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Three added bus stops get a press release

TriMet extends Line 8 to NE Dekum Ave and MLK Jr Blvd, adding three new stops | TriMet News and Media Releases

1. It's Dekum Street, not Dekum Avenue.
2. They're not going to be doing it until June.
3. This is something that could have been done a long time ago, as buses are already continuing past these stops. Having buses serve them does not take a schedule or route change and should be separate from where the layover is as the current and all proposed layovers require buses to travel to MLK.
4. They could also have buses serve stops on MLK, saving people from having to transfer to/from Line 6 or walk up to 3/4ths of a mile (if a stop was placed at Mallory and Columbia).  It is true that not all buses go to the layover, but those that don't could be identified as only going to/from Dekum.

Also, Line 6 stops up to every block in the area. PSU student Zef Wagner analyzed the stop spacing (presentation, I have not watched the video) over a year ago and found that it would be beneficial to remove the stops at both Bryant and Holland.  It appears this has not been done.  (An alternative would be to combine the Holland and Morgan stops into a new stop at Buffalo; neither of those streets have a marked crosswalk while Buffalo does.)

Friday, March 27, 2015

TriMet bus stop removal not in sync

The Line 4 stops at N Albina and Jessup were recently removed to improve stop spacing, however the electronic systems still list it.  When the date is not driven by outside factors, it seems it should be possible to sync the removal of a stop with taking it out of stop listings, or at least remove it from the listings before closing it (but preferably after notices have been posted at the stops).

The 3400 series bus has arrived

Better late than never! Only 10 years overdue!

Interview with Bruce Hansen from 3 years ago

This interview is presented as historical reference.
This interview first appeared on the now defunct PORTLAND A-FOOT

Interview with Ron Hientzman from 3 years ago

This is posted for historical reference.
The interview appeared on the now defunct PORTLAND A-FOOT

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

A couple of odd TriMet trips

Or why Lines 43 and 66 are listed as serving SW 6th & Clay (and other mall stops).

Trimet bus auction goes over my limit

I was willing to blow $1000 plus expenses on this but not any more than that. I have no place to put it anyway.
 I only wanted to drive it around Portland for one day. 
Unfortunately they were sold for more than $2000 each. 
Oh well

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Union Secrecy reigns supreme

Chris Day
Chris Day has been trying to verify union financial statistics. 
He's have no luck at all.
See the union, even though it exists only because of Tax payer dollars, is exempt from public records disclosure, since its basically a Trimet 'contractor'.
One hell of a racket they got going here.
This post is the 3rd post in this series.
Chris sent THIS letter to the union.
He got THIS response originally which was then followed by the response below.

Henry Beasley on upcoming contract negotiations

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
On another Facebook page another member asked me to clarify their scare tactics concerning the ACA/Obamacare they were using to show others that we are in a crisis for the upcoming contract negotiations with Trimet.  Since they have done no research on the subject, I have cobbled together something I wrote back in 2013 and something I put together in response to their inquiry/ calling out.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Am I a Jonathan Hunt 'crony'?

Jonathan Hunt is long associated with ATU757
I've been accused by some of my associates of being part of the "Heintzman/Hunt" machine recently.
All that proves to me is that these associates of mine don't have the slightest clue who I am or what motivates me.
I actively campaigned against Ron Heintzman and Jonathan Hunt in the last election.
To insinuate that I am somehow connected to these people is insulting.   
I want to make this clear, I have never ever talked to Jonathan Hunt except at official ATU events and I have never even met Ron Heintzman.

What I can tell you is that after 3 years of Bruce Hansen I really do miss Jonathan.
Despite his failings he had the guts to stand up to the sociopaths in charge of Trimet.
Jonathan was a leader, I'm not sure what Bruce is to be honest.


A Trimet regular rider and tweeter reacts with disgust to Trimet's latest f*k up.

Sorry Trimet mom-your kids are second to the company

Where's mommy? She's being held hostage at Trimet!
Being a Trimet driver is probably the most family unfriendly job in existence. 
Every three months your life is turned upside down and then you have policies such as these


Take this job and shove it!

Unfortunately for people that get recruited into the Trimet training program what they will experience is not much fun. 
Operators are viewed by the Trimet oligarchs (Mcfarlane and his over paid stooges) as pieces of equipment that can be easily replaced.

Another citizen Trimetized

Way to go Trimet! 
Don't you train these fake cops at all?
 Look at the Trimet twitter response.

Not sure why stupid mistakes like this are so common at the Trimess

Everybody working at the Trimess is making top dollar so that's supposed to translate into workers that actually do a good job. 
Oh wait, I forgot, we are talking about Trimess aren't we.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Bizarre story involving the two drivers who were attacked

Steve Duin
Steve Duin's  very strange article involving the 2 drivers who were attacked outside Trimet bathroom facilities. 

The gist of the story is that there is no independent evidence to verify either event ever occured.

Now I know that Trimet hires some very strange people, and I know that some very weird things happen at Trimet that are unexplainable, but this takes the cake. 

One of the drivers was later promoted to a supervisory position which is very odd if Trimet had even the slightest suspicion that he was lying. Hamad gave an interview to KATU which is at the bottom of this post. That's one hell of an acting job if he was lying.

If one or both of these guys is actually lying what does that say about the working environment at Trimet that would cause someone to actually do this to themselves.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Today at the Trimet circus

Latest crazy shit going on at the Trimet circus

Trimet being sued for $2 million

Elias French
In the death of Elias French, Nov. 26, southbound along the 72 line.
Read the story HERE!
Read the court documents HERE!
(Not a good day for Trimet)

Trimet putting in 2 (as in two) gated max stations

Why in the world bother with  only two?
In the 1980s, TriMet planners ruled out turnstile entrances because the devices would have dramatically driven up costs and conflicted with Portland's neighborly reputation
Joe Rose HERE

Chris Day gets stonewalled by ATU757

Chris Day is trying to shed some light on union operations but is finding resistance at every step.
Chris  sent THIS letter to ATU asking for information.
Here is the unions response:

Sent: Friday, March 20, 2015 10:53 AM
Subject: RE: 0621501 ATU757 member requesting cost and service information.
Brother Day,

I am researching your request.  I will respond to you at the earliest possible time.  Thank you for your patience.


Trimet running under budget on orange line boondoggle

From BIKE PORTLAND  some of the most relevant parts:
Smart bureaucrats  will always be sure to over-budget construction projects so when they come in under budget the can 'look good'

Four years after the Portland area’s transit agency furiously chopped costs and recruited other local governments to balance the budget for its new $1.5 billion rail line, the price tag so far is tuning out to be more like $1.3 billion.
Though a few remaining bills have yet to be paid, the combination of persistently low interest rates and far more cost-efficient track and systems construction than expected has been so large that TriMet has been searching for new ways to spend some of the unexpected surplus locally.
According to a December 2014 construction report, downward revisions of $64 million from “guideway and track elements,” $42 million from “systems,” $33 million from finance charges and $70 million in unallocated contingency had left the agency with exactly $199,955,869 in “uncommitted” dollars from its $1.5 billion budget.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Naked man shuts down MAX downtown

Mike Bivins
Mike Bivins covers the story. You can follow Mike on twitter HERE!

Whoopie! Gotta Love Tri-Met!

Fresh off their multi-billion-dollar love-fest with light rail construction and their simultaneous cannibalization of bus services, Tri-Met has decided that their managers need yet another boost in pay. So, where are they going to find the money? Well, for starters, they're going after old folks and disabled people.
TriMet proposes increasing honored citizen fares by 20 percent to $1.25, with monthly passes climbing $2 to $28. Honored citizen tickets are purchased by riders older than 65, people on Medicare and people with mental or physical disabilities.
TriMet announced that the budget will include the third pay increase in six years for non-union employees. Workers in that category will see a wage increase of up to 3 percent based on performance and overall compensation.
Oh, but you'll also get better light rail performance! How cool is that? More gang-bangers riding for free on more trains to expand their turf. Somebody, somewhere, might even get a new bus to ride. On the backs of old or disabled people. Stay classy!
Post from Max Redline

Classic Trimet twitter response

The comment to Trimet is on the bottom and Trimet's response is on the top

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

MAX ridership is up for the first time in years

I'm sure the unseasonably warm weather has created this blip in the Trimet commuter statistics.
Ridership system wide is up 4.2% from last year.
All modes were up this month.
Except  Trimet's  white elephant, WES, down 9%.
 WES never  even made its 1st year ridership predictions. 
It's a complete and total failure
WES continues to  suck down millions of dollars that could be used for more important transit services.

Henry Beasley

Dear brothers and sisters
I would sincerely like to thank each and every one that I meet last week.  Last week was a struggle to get a bylaws change that we thought would make it a fairer election process for “all” members of ATU757.  Even though there were good debates on how we should go forward, there was also fear mongering and flat out lies being tossed around. All in all it shows us that we really need to take steps to review all of our bylaws and make the necessary updates that comply with our local, International and the Department of Labor.  It also shows us that we need to have an inclusive bylaws committee made up of all the properties so that no member feels like they’ve been left out of the processes.