Monday, January 4, 2016

The best of the Trimet tweets during the latest "weather event"

Riding American public transportation can be a traumatizing experience. Plenty of suffering happening when things and/or weather doesn't go the usual way.

Actually Trimet was as good as could be expected. The buses were a disaster because the roads are not cleared. Buses can't run on ice. The city, county, and state do a pretty miserable job of clearing the roads, always been that way. Can't blame Trimet if the roads aren't clear. Never understood why the agencies can't make sure the bus routes are clear during these events. Obviously the technocrats in charge don't care about it.

MAX service ran decently. There was no more snow or ice storms so keeping MAX going was routine and Trimet did do that job properly. MAX service was late but more reliable than bus service.

There were more positive tweets than usual. I'm always suspicious about that especially the way some of the positive tweets are worded. All in all the public is grateful for any service they get in these conditions.

Trimet twitter person was up at 5:30 am responding to tweets. We all know that's an act of public relations but it does ease the pain of the stranded riders

The  only real hero's in this situation are the Trimet union employees. They are the only ones out there doing the work. Trimet executives, managers, who knows what they are doing during these events. We know one thing for sure, you won't see any of them out there doing anything needed like applying ice melt to the transit centers.
I bet all the information/technology people got to stay home along with the marketing and capital projects people. 
Trimet is truly a class existence, union employees on the very bottom. 

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