Thursday, February 11, 2016

The sorry state of Trimet operator breakrooms

Attached are photographs taken of TriMet meal and lunch break areas, and show how TriMet is failing to provide clean facilities for its employees.  TriMet's refusal to ensure clean and safe facilities is a disgrace and shows lack of empathy for employees.

View these photographs and ask yourself if you would like to spend your breaks and lunch time in these areas? Just imagine if it was pouring rain or cold outside and you were forced to use these facilities because no other option was available? 

The restroom and break facilities used by Neil McFarlane and Randy Stedman  don’t look like this. They don’t have to smell mold and mildew on a daily basis.  Why should their employees?

Thank you,

Shirley Block


  1. Who's in charge of cleaning these places anyway? Didn't Trimet contract that out?

  2. This is also a tool to rile up the union. It is a tactic of the leadership to always paint the most negative of pictures. Think and don't be a pawn.
