Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Shirley Block at Today's board meeting


  1. It's important to understand the depth of the complete and total lack of ethics from the Trimet officials

    They lie and cheat at will

  2. Fact check the team sent over a letter ending all block runs.the 310s 410s and 4 7.5 were packaged.(blocked).they never consulted with any of the E board officers our the officer from scheduling.Minor oversight by Ms B..also she only received 53% of the vote.

  3. You're actually defending Stedmen's intentional misinterpretation of the intent of the Block letter to screw the Trimet employees?

    WOW Jeff, how far you have fallen since I knew you.

    1. AL,I won't even begin to try to understand that comment.

  4. i'm trying to get at exactly what your point is

    Are you saying that because Shirley did not use a contractual attorney to write that letter she should be impeached?

  5. I have a document that will clear this up.text me your phone number. I will send it next week.

  6. I have a document that will clear this up.text me your phone number. I will send it next week.

  7. I don't really want to belabor this issue

    We need to move forward.

    Trimet executives are the ones playing dirty here, and they have a long LONG history of this behavior since Mcfarlane took over
