Monday, December 26, 2016

Critique of the latest Trimet recruitment video

The most accurate of the recruiting videos however they obviously couldn't mention:
Public transit tops list of the most depressing jobs


  1. Actually, I liked the early morning piece of a day's work. There was something very optimistic about the day getting brighter and sunnier as the morning progressed. It worked for me. Plus, I didn't get the chemically altered folks of the late evening shifts for riders. Most (not all) riders before seven pm are not in need of institutionalizing. The crazies mostly crave evening darkness.

    I was a mini runner that didn't mind the split shift. I always got Monday thru Friday workdays, and I lived close enough to Center Garage that I went home for a three hour break in mid day. That meshed well with my wife's M-F office work hours.

    This video operator is in that minority that sets their steering wheel to completely vertical. I always needed a little slant to mine. And, I often drove 1700's with that incredible numbers of turns of the steering wheel to go from full left to full right. Fortunately, current drivers will never know the joys of driving a 18 year old, non air conditioned 1700 Flxible in rush hour.

    Stressful? Yup, you're right. But, unlike many white collar jobs, I could walk away from a rough day and know that a crap day didn't affect the next day. In a weird way, bus driving is a performance art. At the end of a shift, the curtain goes down and the next day's performance will have a mostly different audience with a different outcome.

  2. True on the crazies for sure!

    And yes, you're right, it is a form of performance art.

  3. -Older buses still have manual window boxes

    -Minor thing, but no BDS cards anymore either

    -Takes time to walk to your bus

    -At 3:30 in, back sign must be stuck, shouldn't be showing a route number at the garage

    -Many employees don't recommend the job anymore
