Thursday, January 12, 2017

Tribute to Tom Hall

One of the truly great operators of all time and incredible man to associate with during my 15 years at Trimet was Tom Hall.

Many of us were shocked over his untimely death, another one completely out of the Blue

Rest in peace Tom


  1. Poor Tom.He was such a good guy.I will miss him.

  2. He will be truly missed, especially I'll miss seeing what color of socks he wearing and his infectious smile and sense of humor. But mostly his hugs. A truly blessed man I am glad I got to know him

  3. Great guy. Wish I could of spent more time with him.

  4. I just received the very sad news. I met Tom many years ago when we both were working on the Extraboard at Powell. Sharing our given names, we often greeted the other loudly from across the busy bullpen by echoing and answering, "TOM!!!" "TOM!!!" "TOM!!!"
    The tribute clips above are a sample of the wry sense of humor he shared with us, and which will be sorely missed by all. Thank you, Al Margulies, for capturing these moments.
    Rest in peace, brother Tom.
