Friday, February 17, 2017

Guest post-"fumes are killing us"

You may want to keep track of the number of death of the drivers in 
Trimet , including Lift drivers.  and compare to the national 
No vehicles should have any fumes leak inside a vehicle.
Large leak would cause quick death.
Low leak long term exposure would cause cellular level damage.
Since my injury, I am extremely sensitive to chemicals.
I can sense where the chemical leak come from or presence.
I used Wes.  Looked pretty.  but fume leaked inside the train
and I could smell it.  Of course I got sick afterward.  After the third 
time, I stopped using the Wes.  I used city bus.  The fumes inside the bus was
worse than the air outside the bus.  I noticed fumes in #9, #72, and
#75, and my friend said #27.   In order not get myself sick again
exposed to toxic diesel fume, I stopped using the buses and drive
even though I have to pay parking every time.
I waited for the buses in the transit center.  The residue in the center
would make me sick even no bus was around.  So, I stayed away
the transit center.
Trimet knowingly not take care of the fume problems and let
drivers expose to it while driving.  That practice would make drivers,
and passengers sick.  Drivers more likely would end up with cancers.  Males
would tend to die with heart related or artery problem lead to sudden death.  
Females would die of something like bone, hips and many other, can't explain it.  
because the toxic fumes would affect male and female differently in my opinion.  
One attorney told me all of his chemical injury clients died within 
seven years, even with oxygen treatment.
If a injury person follow the conventional treatment, all dead based
on my research.

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