Monday, July 31, 2017

The Trimet July board of directors part 3

More on the $34 million tax payer funded HOP thing

Henry Beasley

We need to take the time to recognize some unsung heroes in public transit.

In the first case (7/29), we need to thank those transit riders who still “respect the ride.”  They make what we do an appreciated occupation, and brighten our days.  You make up for the 10-15% who choose to assault and menace us by showing that you care about transit workers.  In this case you stood up for a Rail operator when an assailant menaced and blocked to cab door.  If it wasn’t for them our co-worker could have gotten assaulted or worse, and thanks to you they were able to close the cab door.  We all know that minutes matter and with their actions, they prevented the worst-case scenario until help could arrive and arrest them.

Sunday, July 30, 2017

The "real" story of the defecating Trimet lift driver

You may remember the LIFT DRIVER TAKING A DUMP story that I covered. Well I knew at the time that it was an corporate media anti union hatchet job on Trimet employees.

Now, we have the REAL story! 

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Trimet July board meeting-part 1

Board reports and general managers report

Henry Beasley's accurate report on Trimet crime

Spin, spin, and more spin.

“62 crimes against Trimet employees, including 47 incidents of assault and intimidation and 11 thefts as reported in the article.” 2016.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Trimet still on the low road- From The Drivers Side

When management last year decided that new hires could no longer take an afternoon to go to the union office to be officially welcomed as ATU members, it was another slap in our collective faces. Then they locked our union leadership out of the garages. It's obvious management has definite plans to totally break the bond between workers and our representative body. It has us by the short hairs, because it's illegal for us to strike. This provides management an unfair advantage. They get the gold mine, and you know who gets the shaft

Monday, July 10, 2017

Trimet Deacon in Blue calls out management abuse

Why do we put up with it? We certainly don't need management's meddling. Instead of finding new ways to harass those who do the real work of transit, why aren't they working harder to support us? We don't need their interference, but we could use some constructive leadership.
  But for the pain we're feeling due to this over abundance of ridiculous management interference is counter-productive to the agency's fallacious mantra "Safety Is Our Core Value."

Get a grip on your own issues, management. We know how to do our job. Let us do it, and quit meddling where you shouldn't tread because of your lack of understanding. We constantly provide excellent service to the riding public. Why don't you trust us?

From the Driver Side: Us vs. Them

Deconstructing the June Trimet board meeting part 6

The completely useless boondoggle called "Powell/Division"

Somebody's lying about the tax increase receipts

Why does Trimet say its $40 million in revenue but the state say its $71 Million.

My bet is Trimet is low balling.
Who's gonna ask them why the figures are so different?
No reporters that I know of.

I find it funny that light rail was specifically excluded from this tax grab!
It remains to be seen what actually happens to this money.

This is a screen shot of the state press release.
This is a screenshot of the Trimet document.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

The Trimet Deacon in Blue

I strongly believe that transit management today is no more "skilled" than its operators. We could, given the vast amount of experience many operators have gained in other careers, run the entire operation without those currently in management. Most of them have never driven a bus. Many wouldn't pass the training regimen, and others would likely run screaming from the seat if ever required to operate in service. These folks may believe what they're doing will improve local transit, but they cannot empathize with our problems. Conversely, I know many fellow operators who could lead the agency with a high degree of competence, while retaining our confidence they would lead us back to the top. They would manage with the knowledge of what it actually takes to do our job.

The Trimet Deacon in Blue

What a scathing rebuke to a transit agency that can spend billions on boondoggles yet can't find a penny or two to regularly clean its vehicles.