Sunday, March 4, 2018

And we get another incident

And the bus drivers are going wild. As usual. All they do is make themselves look bad every time they defend acts of brutality. Let’s be clear, there would be no video if the SOP regarding open doors where followed. Furthermore drivers have no “personal time” when they are being paid. I knew I didn’t want my life to be ruled by Trimet anymore than necessary so I stayed part time. That way I had the “personal time”I needed. If your on the clock you don’t get time to yourself, period.

Additionally, this driver has  commandeered a tax funded vehicle (100% paid by tax payers) for her own personal use. So not only is she ‘stealing’ her wages she is also ‘stealing’ publicly owned equipment.

Trimet management loves watching the public hating the drivers. That way they can get away with everything. Some think that theory is crazy. I call them uninformed.

Many drivers don’t understand that with each act of brutality the public turns more and more against them. Give the riders the benefit of the doubt. Most riders are not crazy lunatics. Even the lunatics react to acts of kindness positively.

You don’t want to be on the news and you don’t want to be on YouTube unless it’s an act of kindness. We can argue details till we are blue in the face but each negative social or mainstream media post that portrays drives as heartless tax funded beasts creates another step forward to the privatization of the workforce, which is Trimet managements end goal.  And that is definitely one thing you should not let happen, ever.

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