Friday, May 22, 2020

TRIMET bus calls May 21 (2)

MAY 21
=6168 Supervisor says make sure you go through Tigard TC  
=Please contact the 61 to service the transit center. 
=9117 There was a misunderstanding  
=We don’t want you to operator the bus. Wait for a supervisor. Operator upset.
=9116 to 5th&Morrison and give us a call 
=Line 24 Lost&Offroute 
=Line 4 Out of masks
=Line 71 Wrong turn 
=1234 Refusing to stay behind the yellow line and swearing at me 
=I’m sorry I called the wrong bus! Hahaha
=Line 30 Police Emergency Police cars  He jumped on my bike rack and banged on the windows then stole a bike
=Passenger with stolen bike needs to call non emergency
=1270 Individuals involved in accident jumped on my bus  
=Yelling profanities and not maintaining social distancing 
=1502 Social Distance
=Line 52 Fall on bus Bus Ambulance  She’s saying she broke her back!  
=5274 Covid questions? 
=2035 Sleep 
=3037 KTA operator about masks
=9118 TPD arrived and they’ve been dealing with that lady a while 
=It looks like some guy fell to the floor. 
=7738 Is there an issue on your bus? You need to log any type of fall.  
=Line 33 I had a rude customer and I need to vent. It’s about masks 
=7202 Loud verbal
=THE scanner star
=sleep and wont wake up
=Line 20 He’s thrown popcorn  all over and smoking  in the shelter 
=Blocked by train at north terminal 
=94 You sent a blocked train message?
=35 Is it ok to take your mask off if the bus is empty?
=14 Deters wants to know why you left late?  
=940 Sleep
=Forrest grove TC lock
=79 Customer Conduct
=9116 Ambulance, assault
=75 He boarded with a small bike
=57 puke bus
=Line 33 Pedestrian Woman walking hit
=Open Container at 82nd and division
=678 Bag attached to bike and he won’t remove it. 
=2045 He almost busted the door and the window.
=6 tent on fire

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