Monday, May 11, 2020


-767 Sweep  on line 12 He’s goona go down Sandy!!!! 
-Line 87 Bus driver sneezed  on his l/o and his bridge fell out 
-Spilt  coke on Sandy!!!!!!
-Line 2 ADA Pass up
-Ever go to Saturday market in Milwaukie
-15 KTA bus driver
-71 Damn Doors
-75 Syringe
-Line 4 Woman screaming and spit got on operator. Spit got on operator face.
-467 is fit to operate Spit on operator
-Silent Alarm
-Is the bus performing ok?
-Damn Doors
-Illegally parked
-9108 only one 88 out
-57 Biohazard
-Line 14 Emergency  Police Oncoming police car Pissed about fare box.
-Line 75 operator left key and pouch in Pier Park restroom. What a dummy.
-Line 88 Your instructions had a mistake
-Homeless Fire
-North Terminal issues! 
-Little Leon trying to start a fight
-Little Leon is sleeping it off.
-Peeing all over himself! No it was just a drink. 
-Covid-19 Distancing issues! What are the rules on the 72? 
-57 pass up
-72 pass up
-Damn Doors
-Little Leon?
-58 I passed up a troublemaker! He started shutting all the windows! KTA !!!
-72 pass up
-Heading to Olson road to do radar
-33 pass up
-Line 6 Hunched over coughing and sweating 
-668 Had him on stretcher and he freaked out 
-Meth crazy on the bus mall
-20 Shelter glass
-Line 15 Call 9-11 Crazy lady in a walker
-2 Your supposed to pull into all shared Stops
-No paper towel or soap
-1270 left Tigard Tc 5 minutes hot (uh oh Short lined)  Uh oh! Fired!
-9 pass up
-Wheel might fall off of bus.
-Do we allow furniture dolly’s on the bus?
-20 sleeper

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