Friday, June 19, 2020



-2334 Reroute confusion
-4469 No air conditioning
-6102 Sign up
-Lift 265 Rolling oxygen tank Can we transport? 
-Lift 267 Mechanical
-7501 23 people on the bus
-Lift 267 Engine crawl back to the yard
-Some woman Woman wiping her butthole. She’s rubbing her butt with her barehand. Biohazard
-950 Walking on Tillikum tracks
-Lift 3015 4 Doors and no markings
-Max Tacoma crossing arms coming down quickly
-Lift The door without the stairs
-239 Elderly woman with dimentia
-1001 KTA never have fare
-3334 Does the payphone work in Oregon city
-239 she’s getting off
-7203 Lost
-2068 Hit and run Witnessed by operator
-1506 Puke  bus stop
-Lift Customer is on the phone
-Train order 6 in affect on eastbound track at elmonica 
-Blue line Trains order 6 walking inspection Order 8 is expired
-468 Missed bus mall stop
-3305 Oregon city traffic
-7241 Right rear dual hit the curb and blew the tire 
-8240 7241 Rear dual flat
-635 to control clear of the right of way Cancel train order 8 
-868 Trip&Fall boarding the bus 
-3505 Reroute confusion
-1506 Im not sure if I’m in the right place
-668 Knife
-Lift 523 6093 Won’t answer the door
-Train 22 Damn Doors
-He has an absence on his hands and he’s picking at it and throwing it on the floor
-5775 Thomas speaking
-Protesters on Halsey
-Line 21 Reroute
-8739 Urine and poop in the bus stop
-THE scanner star
-Unit 635 Tie on Fire yesterday and will clear for all trains at mile marker 2
-4468 PU
-261 Street cover sticking out
-9112 Protesters
-5775 Thomas Speaking
-1706 Disposed high on heroin
-7513 Just drive
-3303 Medical
-7258 Reroute confusion
-3303 Medical Hospital Transport Biohazard
-902 White female 30s huffing paint  Gresham TC
-669 Portland Fire  filming a video
-7011 Operator thought she was a 17 and not the 70
-2038 Sleep
-673 Protesters
-1706 The disposed at Omsi stop
-1409 Protesters
-668 Protesters
Click here for the calls!

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