Friday, July 10, 2020

TRIMET light rail Max scanner-July 8 (2222-2400) + July 9 (0000-1304)

Brought to you buy @realpootie on twitter

JULY 8  (2222-2400)

10:30 PM and you don't know where the train is


Passengers were rare last night

9 hours later

Herd the sheep at 11 PM

Missing elderly man at Gateway

He's fit

Normal Operations

Dispatch should know who has what

Hope he doesn't walk in on her

This is why he is pissed

He's off the hook
JULY 9 (0000-1304)

Supervisor fell

Operator had door issues in the yard and now a sleeper in the aisle.

Threatening me?

He's back on the train

Gone again

workers mess up

Lost phone

Yelling and screaming-They always leave

if Trimet charged each operator a dollar every time they missed a train order and had to call in and ask....they could pay for free fare

Homeless lady in a black dress

Laying on the tactile.

Poopy Bench

Malt liquor spill-Drink spill

He's aggressive

Who was that. threats

What does she think it is?

Still no clue what it is. Can't find a call.

Ramp request

The gate is open

Lady going between the cars

Security is on their way

don't get close to the train

I got that scooter

Homeless guy sitting in the tracks

Is he breathing? 'looks like he's learning to walk'

Looking for dude in the tracks

Visually impaired

You want him to vacate?

Gentleman collapsed

Standing on the railing. Possible jumper on the Steel

30 drops of blood

Drunk at BTC


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