Monday, August 31, 2020


Jeff Ackerson and I were good pals back when I worked there.
He used to represent me when management was busting my balls.
We had a falling out after I had left the job

Thanks to @realripcity for making this video possible

1511 Reroute confusion do to protesters 

1271 Timber reroute? 

2705 Confusion between road sup dispatch and operator about bus bridge 

2704 More confusion 

1503 30 minutes late and cad issues

1503 Operator confusion and tired 

1503 Protesters let her through. Dispatch didn’t know.  

2770 Operator calls in on supervisor parking on 3rd  

1405 Were supposed to go back to regular route? Operator says road is blocked by barricades.

2770 Little Leon making him laugh 

869 Steel bridge? 

Loud&Verbal barefoot natice american

7591 My sign says police on it

8868 Missed the stop and rats himself out  

5468 Puke

Little Leon dropped off at Milwaukie Safeway  

7502 Loud&Verbal won’t wear a mask Face with medical mask didn’t pay and won’t shut up 

1901 Missed the turn 

869 More restroom issues

Little Leon 

7106 Covert Alarm false-870 Silent alarm

7676 Offroute I thought I was a 62

7735 Steel bridge?

407 10 mph slow order! Operator rats herself out! 

404 Missed the turn 

1508 Light rail open?

601 Nut Peanuts job at goose hallow

1902 No soap 

8734 Sandy!!! 

1901 Someone sitting on the ledge of Ross Island Palm tree Bridge  

669 Someone threw rocks at the bus

7676 Man in wheelchair Manual wheelchair stuck on the ramp. Need Fire Fire department.  

Line 17 Customer Conduct 

7676 Supervisor & Medical

2069 Customer fighting over someone not wearing a mask

5472 Bus vs. Bus  at BTC 

Passenger kicked the door and spider webbed it.

Damn cage door

7104 Refusing to wear a mask Face with  and customers upset  

1501 Busses almost locked up and had to drive over the curb  

9105 1403 Rear ended really hard and threw passenger out of the seat  

1403 Rear end accident! We’re you stopped or moving? No transport. No license or insurance! Operator is shaky!

Center has One operator to send out but not 2 for the 14 Rear end accident! One body!

2040 Might want to put a warning

7339 Emergency  I’m pregnant and not risking loosing my baby-7339 He just left and I’m going home. Close your doors

7339 Are you ok physically? He had a weed wacker and acted like he was going to hit me. 

9105 The weed guy left but he’s coming back!  

1403 Fluid leaking?  

1403 Truck still coming for me? 

No relief! 

7247 Object thrown at bus

1268 Doesn’t want that stop

7503 Operator telling people to put their mask Face with medical mask on! 

7513 Wagon full of Cans and bottles

3502 10 mph?

1534 Operator wearing a red bandanna! Supervisor noticed it! Any print on it?

667 RDO 

4567 Power line blocking and backing up! Relax dude!  

4567 Operator wants to do 3 point turn!

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