2069-->FIRED! rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/2 covert-can't hear anything rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/2 it was false rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/2 torture scanner star rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/2 2044 just let him off where he wants rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/2 1706 wrong turn rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/2
sweet jesus save us 4/01 rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/2 1271 no relief-had driver worried , probably thought he was FIRED! rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/2 1504-TORTURE rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/2 "stay there keep your doors closed" rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/2 i think she got SPIT ON
(regarding last tweet) "he pushed the operator and has his pants down" rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/2 2 buses involved rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/2
operator falls and sprains her wrist https://twitter.com/AlYourPalster/status/1353436389648420866?s=20
7334 "trying to push buttons or make a point" rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/2 rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/2 "he threatened me as he got off" rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/2 5469 "he dumped an entire can of beer on my floor" rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/2 "it looks like the amazon river"
7672 too many cans-KTA
rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/2 "wagons we let the on if they don't block the aisle" the KTA dispatcher says they're not allowed ---- 5771 k'lled them all rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/2 amazon river part 2 rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/2 rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/2
7203 enjoying a brew on the bus rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/2 she left, as they do usually rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/2 668 thought she thought bloody man-nope rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/2 3502 where's biohazard man? i think its deke rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/2 7513 torture rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/2
672 says ditch--->this way rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/2 KTA (▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿) 7512 fell getting out of backdoor rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/2 937 no mask stuff in aisle-just drive rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/2 936 torture-scanner star rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/2
936-take your torture like a man rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/2 "someone threw coffee at the bus" rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/2 409 says ditch---->this way ,but he got his hat stuck in the door rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/2 5775-"she made a mess on the seat, coffee+popcorn" rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/2
403 spots ditch man-get in the ditch rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/2 no report over hat 401 left to die in the ditch-dispatch says let them die ಥ_ಥ rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/2 7935 torture rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/2 no extra's no truck, failed transit system
5776 "foreign object in duels" rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/2 failed transit systems have to beg for people to work rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/2 672 dispossessed trying to die rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/2 235 "large fire in the the street has a large saw and knife" rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/2
671 "she's pissing next to the bus shelter" and driving him crazy-wants to leave her in the ditch rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/2 1504 "he's telling me I'm a bitch he's blind" background rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/2 scanner star saves them all rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/2
671 saves 4 at once! (ง°Ù„͜°)ง rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/2
468 too much vodka http://www.rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/23/000200-102-2938-ms.mp3 http://www.rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/23/002016-102-2938_468.mp3 https://t.co/eSnARFxCtF?amp=1
1705-Cops blocking http://www.rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/23/003843-102-4039_1705.mp3
7704 Ditch people have a nice warm Fire
5770 Sleep
Won’t get off at Forrest Grove TC rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/2
2072 needs medical-operator under stress http://www.rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/23/075036-115-2940-ms.mp3 ----http://www.rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/23/074740-115-2940-ms.mp3 it was a pedestrian strike http://www.rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/23/074758-1777-225-11176.mp3
for some reason the trimet management didn't make the I405 detour-FUCKING FAIL! clear http://www.rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/23/081546-102-3509_7702.mp3----http://www.rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/23/074721-101-4059_402.mp3 https://t.co/lT7qu1qpxk?amp=1 https://t.co/gLeBMiQD4u?amp=1 https://t.co/8QvXbLJzk3?amp=1 https://t.co/IP4LpXEpFB?amp=1 https://t.co/g2sEDI81D8?amp=1 https://t.co/vgnZyQ3Qzy?amp=1
3312 Fall out of seat down the stairs. No medical
. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/2
Victor Scanner Star
5772 Female got off who was causing. She was mean&stuff. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/2
402 Getting relieved for mandatory meeting? rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/2
3312 "they are transporting him" http://www.rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/23/091326-116-3565_3312.mp3
3312 Ambulance
Transport Same Acid # rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/2
kill them all---> 241 Stinky woman Ditch call! Throwing her off into the ditch! rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/2
Gresham TC Open Door policy? rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/2
Gresham TC Open Door! rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/2
7701 What route to Amazon? Amazon runs their own shuttle. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/2
409 Missed the turn for Reroute rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/
2434 Operator took their mirror on a tree
PA!!! rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/2
1270 shit at the bus stop http://www.rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/23/113602-115-3238_1270.mp3
1706 taxi opened its door into the bus http://www.rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/23/113748-115-3313_1706.mp3
Hold for police
..... rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/2
235 just stop and pick them up where they are http://www.rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/23/115210-116-3916_235.mp3
TORTURE http://www.rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/1/23/130718-102-3624-ms.mp3
7238 Smelly Biohazard
Thanks to @realripcity !