Wednesday, June 16, 2021


 For the third consecutive time the Trimet puppets pretended to do an international search for the most qualified candidate only to come to the conclusion that the guy who was trained by the guy who was trained by the guy is the most qualified. 

Gotta have that insider knowledge to take the top job at the Trimet. 

No outsiders allowed!

I feel bad for all the people that wasted their time with the fake  process, I really didn't think the board would do this yet again.  

And what about all those committees where they thought up all the characteristics the new general manager would need? Sorry, you got conned too!

It turns out that ALL THE NON PROFITS were in on this scam! Every single one of them support a 27 year career insider technocrat for the new status quo general manager! We have all heard the word "poverty pimps" well now we also have "transit pimps" who only pretend to be advocates but actually support the status quo.


Desue to become the first Black leader of Oregon’s largest transit agency in its 51-year history and brings more than 27 years of transportation experience to role

Trimet is now the leader in virtue signaling 


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