Monday, October 25, 2021

Sock puppets meeting pork barrel items

 Here's the pork

A- More pork being handed to NORTHCOAST ELECTRIC COMPANY in the amount of $348,633 adding to the cost that was already approved to o $1,458,822. In the United States of Pork contracts there is always more money available on demand for government contracts. Pay that $2.50 you serfs.

B-"Green" is in folks. Sorry there are no bus drivers to actually take you places but that doesn't change any of our GREEN ENERGY pork barrels. This little baby is  $93,006,650 (chump change) CECO, INC. (CARSON) FOR BULK R99 RENEWABLE HYDROCARBON DIESEL (RHD) FUEL. Sorry that you can't get a bus when you want to but remember when you finally get that bus it will be GREEN!

C-TriMet needs the puppets approval to get some of that sweet federal pork dollars to distribute locally among the insiders.  There's $100,000,000 worth of pork  applications that will be filed. You can read about them HERE  and HERE and a comment that was ignored HERE and another comment that was ignored HERE and then there is another comment which may be in the wrong place but they are not happy either that's HERE

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