Sunday, September 11, 2022



"I hate what kind of person this job is turning me into," a brother operator told me. Lately, I have turned into an asshole, someone I could not bear being around. It's eating me up, concurrently infuriating and depressing me. 

I was dealing with all the issues surrounding my confusing fury when our mental health provider told me I had used up my allotted benefits last year. It was befuddling that a company which encourages us to use our mental health benefits would set a limit on said sessions. It brought me to a full stop. No more speaking with a professional who had just begun to understand my psyche enough to explore avenues to guide me toward a better, happier ME. The positive path I had chosen ran into a hard dead end, and this increased my depression and amplified the PTSD. Instead of reaching out, I withdrew. It's a path many take, but its repercussions can be disastrous. My own path has been one even a 4WD could not traverse.

Read the full post at FROM THE DRIVERS SIDE!

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