Thursday, June 27, 2024



I've seen a lot of fucked up things since I became a member of ATU757 in 1996 but Blocks trying to ram through this 4 year contract at the very end of her term is really one of the most despicable acts I've witnessed.

While Jonathan Hunt was stupid enough to be conned by Fred Hansen agreeing to give up the right to strike can be seen as "forgivable" as he was "promised" things that turned out to be lies, Shirley knows her term is over but yet thinks she has the authority to ram through this four year contract. While its not a 'horrible' contract, the fact that she's trying to ram it through before her term ends is unforgivable. The "inflation raises" are insufficient (while Sam The man got 15% this year alone). Hopefully this will get shot down like her incumbents did. She leaves office as a truly disgraceful "president" of a union and she shows everyone that this union is owned by the company

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