Wednesday, January 25, 2012


But okay, fine. You want to bring union workers in line with non-union workers? Well then, we’ll just take that to its logical conclusion. Let’s see… about 30% of our buses have no air conditioning, so to help save money, we’ll disable the A/C in about 30% of TriMet offices, like, oh I don’t know, the top floor of Center Street to start. And just like operators use seniority to sign good runs, non-union employees can use how long they’ve been at TriMet to bid for a good office. So to the newly hired Executive Director of HR? Sorry my friend, you’ll probably get stuck with no air conditioning. Good thing Oregon summers are more or less mild. But don’t worry! Every hour or so you’ll be allowed to get up, drink some ice water, and use the bathroom, as long as you don’t take more than 10 minutes to do all that.

 Empower. Trust. Stand Behind.” | MAX FAQs

1 comment:

  1. It can go on...

    Your lunch period is unpredictable, may be only 20 minutes long, and you may have to take it away from a break room or even a restroom. You might not get to take your breaks on time, they might be late. On some days you might get lucky though.

    If the lights in your office burn out you're stuck for several hours until someone comes and fixes it. They might have to drive from clear across town. Your computer broken? Too bad.

    Oh, and speaking of that computer...a 1400 is 21 years old. 21 years ago from now was 1991. Commodore 64s were still being used, as were Apple IIes. Forget about the internet, commercial use of the Internet was a few years away (as was the "World Wide Web"). If you're lucky you can use a IBM PC compatible computer running Windows 3.1. And if you need to share files, have you heard of "sneakernet"? Sorry, no 10 Mbps Ethernet here...

    Need to make a phone call? Hope you have some quarters...cell phones are far and few between. And since long distance costs a lot of money, there is to be absolutely NO long distance calls made, and absolutely NO personal calls from company phones. There'll be a pay phone installed for your personal use.
