It's really something that a couple of hobbyists that are generally scorned continually are able to provide the public more accurate information than the billion dollar agency that employs dozens of six figure executives.
Took the 6 figure executives almost an hour longer to get the information out, how embarrassing for them


We will never know the true extent of their dishonesty. We are dealing with experts in propaganda who will stop at nothing to see their version of events prevail, and on the rare occasions when the truth emerges, like a hernia popping through gorged corpse, they apologise discreetly for their ignoble flatulence in a mouse-sized font for hippo-sized lies. They dispose of the truth as expertly as Pulp Fiction's "Wolf" disposed of Marvin's body, these wolves of pulp fiction. From THIS article 


I hope she's paid her deductibles, no more full coverage for you


Seen in the Gresham Break Room bathroom


 We are continuing our investigation into the facts of Aldstadt vs Jensen. In this segment we will examine  this piece of evidence below:

In this odd piece of the evidence we find that Ms Aldstadt had blocked Lane from her phone. 
Which of course leads me to the next question, why did she unblock him?
There is only one answer to that question that I can think of, in hopes  to entrap him into this phony criminal case

In criminal law, entrapment is when a law enforcement agent induces a person to commit an offense that the person would have otherwise been unlikely to commit.[1] It is a type of conduct that is generally frowned upon, and thus in many jurisdictions is a possible defense against criminal liability.
Depending on the law in the jurisdiction, the prosecution may be required to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant was not entrapped or the defendant may be required to prove that they were entrapped as an affirmative defense.
Sting operations are fraught with ethical concerns over whether they constitute entrapment.



I'm sure that Mr Wonderful took both yesterday and today off! Did you know Mr Wonderful made $1,707 for those two days he took off?

It's great to be a Trimet executive!


One of the major disputes I had while employed at Trimet was my publishing of over the air wave dispatch calls. It's perfectly legal to do so however Trimet promulgated 'special' rules in their never ending efforts to stop me from blogging and getting information.

This was called HR-202 and I am the only person in the history of Trimet (that I know of) who has ever been charged with a violation of that 'rule'. HR 202 states that I must obtain 'express permission' before taking any picture or recording any video and  audio of any Trimet employee or customer. I had to abide by these rules while on duty.

Then Herr Mcfarlane took over from Fred and all of a sudden HR 202 applied to me even while I was off work. I posted a dispatch call while I was off duty to my surprise I was warned that if I did it again I would be disciplined 'up to and including termination from the district'. I was told I must obtain express permission of any employee that is on the radio before I posted it, which is absurd. This went into grievance but I left Trimet before it was heard and I didn't care  about it after although I still could have had it heard.

Anyway the reason I am so interested in dispatch calls is that they capture the true essence of operator emotions in the course of their jobs. You can't capture this in any other way.

In this series of clips we will hear just how frustrating it is to be a Trimet bus driver


What we will hear below is the true nature of Trimet's 'culture of safety'. Now I appreciate that the Trimet 'semi management' white shirted union employees have a true desire to keep the system moving properly they are not the ones sitting in the drivers seat looking straight at whatever the driver is claiming is a safety hazard. At issue is the driver claiming that a mirror is unsafe. The supervisory personnel are questioning the fact that the driver drove the bus for an hour and a half before claiming she could not drive it.

As a long time driver I can tell you that the driver most likely took the bus out although she realized the mirror was not adequate at that time. As time went on she knew that this was a dangerous situation and may have even had a close call of some sort. But as you will hear for yourself all the 'management' personnel ridicule her claim of safety.

This is not how a true 'culture of safety' operates. If Trimet was serious about transit they would have adequate extra's and mechanics out in the field to deal with these problems. But they have hired multiple HR BUSINESS PARTNERS, DEPUTY GENERAL MANAGERS, PLANNERS, ENGINEERS, DIRECTORS, ASSISTANT DIRECTORS, IT DIRECTORS ETC so they have no extra funding to actually provide what is needed for bus operations.

Thursday, November 28, 2013


Trimet's favorite rider Lane Jensen
His latest post is HERE!


But not seen on TRIMET'S HOW WE ROLL BLOG!


Seen on facebook:

So, why does a maintenance employee with the same number of years of service I have earn $1.80 more in longevity pay per hour? Same union, same employer, same WWA (contract)... And on a similar subject, why is the night differential in Maintenance 40c while in Transportation its 25c and only paid during the premium hours? (ISTR Maintenance employees earn their night differential for all hours of the affected shift).

Yup. The contract between ATU757 and TriMet does need to be completely rewritten. Just not necessarily the way TriMet wants it done.


Who could ever forget the incredible, fanciful, joyous celebration for the opening of the WES train.
To this day I laugh when I see it


This movie was originally made in the summer of 2009 if I remember completely. It was during an excruciatingly bad hot streak. Haven't seen a hot streak like that since then either. I was a pretty dedicated bus driver while at Trimet for those 15 years, I showed up for work always, especially when the weather was extreme. In this footage I explain the problems of us bus drivers

Memorable moments as a Trimet bus driver

The snow emergency of 2008. If a bus driver filmed this while behind the wheel today it would make national news! My filming while driving went on for about a year. And even though in today's world I would have been fired immediately I never had even one accident in the bus in 15 years.


A Bus Rider’s Frustration With Transit Planners |

 Multiple transfers to get to a destination, waiting environments that seem to be designed to repel people — it can feel like a series of small humiliations.
Riding the bus in Minneapolis can be a series of small humiliations, says Magrino. Image: ##

The people doing transit planning where he lives aren’t paying attention to the basics, he says. And he thinks one reason is that they simply don’t ride the bus:
I guess I would be very curious to know how many local policymakers and planners actually use transit on a daily basis. At the moment, the status quo is to do stuff like spend $1.2 billion $1.5 billion on a rail line that minimally improves mobility while at the same time ignoring basic, cheap user experience improvements.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Please understand that I am not Lane's attorney and have not been communicating with Lane's attorney I don't have the slightest idea how the defense will be mounted.

This is my personal investigation so I might better understand the case

 I do know that the defense has asked for three days in which to try this case so that all witnesses can be called and examined under oath.

We know that Alstdadt  (sorry if I am spelling it wrong) has stated in the police report that he was texting her on her 'personal cell phone' and that Trimet gives her "a separate cell phone" for company business.
However her so called 'personal cell phone' is listed on the Trimet contacts internal document.

When we examine the INTERNAL DOCUMENT  what we see is that there are 3 numbers that are listed. The 962 number which is a land line, the cell phone in question, and something called the 'duty pager'. Now she has stated for the record that "Trimet gives her a cell phone for Trimet business"

Why in the world would her so called personal cell number be on that list when TRIMET GIVES HER A SEPARATE CELL PHONE?

Something doesn't add up, is it possible she lied to the police about that phone of hers?

And another cheap Trimet public relations stunt

They just never stop over there do they?
I'm sure there are plenty of homeless that have spent much more time on MAX than this guy.
Of course this guy is one of 'them'.

Nicely written editorial about street cars in another city

And if the streetcars did attract 3,100 riders a day, does that mean that bus ridership would decline by that number? And if so, are we going back to the future in reverse, to the elimination of the buses which could then perhaps be sold off to Mexico the way a lot of the streetcars were back in the 1950s?
Even if you believe that we cannot have enough public transportation and even if you believe that streetcars will somehow inspire a developer to retrofit even more lofts -- in the world of transportation activism everybody is single, 27 years old and carrying a sack cloth of locally grown food -- you have to understand that we cannot afford it.
The Central City Planners say they will be holding a number of open houses yet this year and then a public hearing early in 2014. Would you like me to keep abreast of that public hearing so that we might gather in great numbers to express fiduciary responsibility?
Or should I just forget about it and let the Central City Planners continue to spend wildly on public projects that they pass off as development? 

Joe Soucheray: We still can't afford light rail, and now we're thinking streetcars? -

Town Center crime rates on decline

I never trust government statistics on crime. They adjust what gets included into these 'statistics' constantly. There are hundreds of incidents that occur on the MAX itself that are not called 'crimes'. For example a fight will not get included into these statistics if the parties flee or if neither party wants to file charges. There are literally hundreds of these type of incidents.
It's like the statistics that keep telling us how so many people are not driving anymore yet the traffic jams are worse than ever.

 Town Center crime rates on decline

David Madore

November 13 at 1:22pm
The C-Tran / TriMet contract for a non-existent Light Rail project also makes C-Tran’s Bus Rapid Transit project an orphan.

Without light rail, the BRT line, in addition to being more expensive, will cost far more as BRT riders would have to transfer to additional C-Tran buses to get to Portland.

In contrast, existing buses are far faster and lower cost as they continue on to Portland without having to transfer in Downtown Vancouver. So why is C-Tran pushing for BRT again?

Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Neil Mcfarlane, raids the Trimet treasury at the same time he cuts services and raises fares by secretly handing himself and his henchmen raises. He suffered   no consequences for this action. He 'stole' money from the paychecks of his union workers by illegally charging them for health insurance and he has defied TWO court orders to repay them. A self serving careerist and part of the GOLDSCHMIDT gang he remains firmly in power. Next to him is the Trimet 'Goebbels' Mary Fetsch who dutifully pumps out whaver false propaganda that serves Neil Mcfarlane.
Bruce Warner a career technocrat drawing government pensions totalling $10k a month installed by Kitzhaber to run interference for Mcfarlane. He assumed board chairman ship without having even one single day of experience in Trimet matters.

Governor Kitzhaber long time friend of Mcfarlanes and known member of the 'Goldschmidt gang' turns his head and looks the other way as Mcfarlane raids the treasury, breaks laws and runs roughshod over his employees and his public


Lane Jensen appears in court the victim of political persecution and injustice
Everybody knows that Lane Jensen was seemingly everywhere on the Trimet system, on buses and trains, at board meetings reporting live from every single place he was at that moment. And he was not hidden in the shadows, he was out in the open, he created a fire storm wherever he appeared. 

This is called WATCH-DOGGING and its defined:

The term watchdog journalism is strongly related to the practice of investigative journalism. A watchdog is defined as "a person or group of persons that acts as a protector or guardian against inefficiency, illegal practices, etc." by the Collins English Dictionary.[1] In news journalism, a watchdog journalist also fulfills this function of being a guardian. To perform in an investigative manner, the journalist is in the "role" of a watchdog.[2] Watchdog journalism cannot be defined by the amount of investigation alone, however, but is used in many different contexts. It also is stated "contingent on the existing social, political, and economic conditions and a reflection as much of the historical moment as it is of pre‐existing structures and media cultures".[3] Watchdog journalism can be located in a variety of news media, such as radio, television, Internet, and print media where it may be seen as "a unique strength of newspapers",[4] and additional new media and concepts such as weblogs and citizen journalism. Watchdog journalists also are called "watchmen",[5] "agents of social control", or "moral guardians".[6]



The more I investigate this case the more holes develop. It has been alleged that he had been calling her 'personal' cell phone. That turns out to be false and I have the evidence to prove it.I have removed her phone number in order to prevent more phony charges coming back on Lane
This is the post that is part of the evidence against Lane where he is 'encouraging' so called 'harassment' against Roberta. However when we examine the post what we find is that he is asking the public to call her and ask here a simple question on retirement benefits for union employees vs non union employees. This was posted because Roberta refused to answer his question. It's obviously an attempt to get her to answer the question and the only reference to annoying her is in the title. The post itself clearly wants an answer to the question. Now that is not her 'personal' cell phone number (removed). How do I know this?
That same number is listed on the internal Trimet contact list! It's a business line not a personal line. If you have expectations of privacy you certainly don't put your phone number on a list of contact numbers that is handed out to every single manager in the agency!



Of course she is entitled to her opinion, and I respect that. But something I learned many years ago, never  allow other peoples opinions to influence your actions. If you can't be true to yourself what kind of life do you have?
I never did have any real support from the other Trimet employees while I was working there. They don't have a clue what a transit geek is or that someone might actually be interested in the topic not just the paycheck. And you can't make those people understand. She's got a pretty fat pension check herself after over 30 years at Trimet, mine is tiny and getting smaller each year. But I did like her very much while employed there. One of the greatest skills that can be acquired is the skill to take criticism and let it run off your back. Mcfarlane is a real pro at that.   GOODBYE JANET NELSON


The reason I ask this is because all of a sudden after years of hanging out on twitter these sorts of threads are appearing more and more. This is exactly the sort of thing Trimet would be very good at with their unlimited resources. Tell me does this not sound exactly like the Trimet marketing department or what?


This is an 'eco track'
Money available for all sorts of weird gimmicks just nothing available for Trimet union employee health coverage

The Portland-Milwaukie Light Rail Transit Project is taking sustainable transit further with a pilot installation of eco-track on SW Lincoln Street downtown. This vegetated trackway will provide a colorful carpet of low-growing plants along 200 feet of light rail line, on either side of the Lincoln St/SW 3rd Ave MAX Station platforms.
You can read the whole Trimet 'press release' including a video HERE!
And HERE is a 'green track' in Rotterdam
And CLICK HERE to see Trimet's vision for the future of rail!


It turns out that in Portland only .85% of all passengers use it. In other words nobody uses it yet they make this huge deal out of it. Propaganda does wonders.

Click on pic for better view


politicians and their billionaire buddies who never tire of vilifying unions for their own political purposes and their friends’ economic gain.
They seek to lodge a wedge between bus drivers and the public by suggesting that, somehow, transit workers don’t care about things that are essential to their continued employment.
In doing so Nations is deploying the same divide-and-conquer tactic that the “multiple transit agencies” he mentions use as an excuse to cut service, raise fares, retain austerity budgets and keep the taxes of the rich as low as possible.
Nations would have you believe that transit workers are to blame for transit’s problems in St. Louis and across the country, but the passengers drivers see everyday are not so easily fooled

Transit workers union has bigger ambitions for public transit : Stltoday


ATU Local 757 president Bruce Hansen and the TriMet bargaining binders
I need to be clear that I am personally not opposed to being reasonable and giving part of what I have to the cause of providing mass transit to the citizenry. But what we see right in front of our eyes is massive money ($1,500,000,000 to be exact) being spent to run a train to a town with a population of 20,000 people, massive huge contracts being paid to everyone involved in that project and massive increases in over paid executive staff in the Trimet office which is already filled to capacity with pork positions.
 But the worst of it is that the Trimet executives are never happy with the obscene six figure salaries, they are right now scheming up a way to increase their salaries even higher.
What we have here is the microcosm of the working class being eaten alive by the executive class.
There is money available, 'they' just don't want workers to have any of it. 
The article doesn't mention the part where Trimet is trying to completely eliminate the post employment health benefit, that's crucial information.
They get richer at the expense of workers getting poorer. It's despicable.

TriMet and Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) Local 757 have been meeting since September 7 to bargain a new contract, but the talks are moving slower than a Portland streetcar. Local 757 president Bruce Hansen says that’s because TriMet is proposing loads of concessions — and the union is insisting that managers explain each one.
Members of the public might imagine that a labor negotiation would be a give-and-take, but TriMet is approaching this one as a take-and-take.

Monday, November 25, 2013


He was a great guy, wasn't at Trimet very long, the job gave him a stroke. He apparently just had another stroke which killed him

Am I a disgruntled ex employee of Trimet

The short answer is no I am not and attempts to make me appear that I am are a product of a Trimet misinformation campaign


Roberta Altsdadt part of a Trimet conspiracy to entrap Lane Jensen, It's more than likely
Ms Altsdadt has Verizon as the carrier Which means she could have easily blocked his cell number. But she didn't block it and that begs the question why not? It takes 2 minutes!
Obviously she didn't block it because she was part of a conspiracy to entrap Lane into the 'criminal case'. 
There is no doubt in my mind that this whole scheme was likely thought up by the Trimet legal department and she colluded with them to entrap Lane. Keep in mind that this 'harassment' is composed of 2 text message streams separated by over 5 months. The case is a farce and that will all become clear at trial.

This is your Trimet, will stoop as low as the can go to get their way.


In 2012, nearly 17.6 million people boarded a TRAX train. About 21.2 million rode a UTA bus and about 1.9 million rode FrontRunner, according to figures provided by UTA. (Those ridership numbers don’t include the Draper and Airport TRAX lines and the Provo FrontRunner line, all of which opened in 2013.)
That there were more crimes along bus lines didn’t surprise Bill Tibbitts, associate director of Crossroads Urban Center, which provides services to low-income Utahns.
"There are dozens of bus stops for every TRAX stop," he said. "There are just so many more. The bus system still covers a lot more territory than the TRAX system." 



Trimet Transit police good at solving crimes that are 'set up' not so good with real crime
On two days, separated by 5 months, Lane Jensen texted the fragile Roberta Aldstedt, this event could cost Lane years in prison and substantial fines. The Trimet transit police were dispatched to help 'solve the crime' which they did hauling Lane to Jail, seizing his property (some of that is clearly questionable) and now its in the hands of the district attorney who is almost demanding the death penalty.

On July 18, an operator was stabbed. Trimet offered a $1000 reward for information then handed it over to the transit police and as of today the crime remains unsolved.

Transit police are good at solving crimes that are set ups, they are not so good at solving real crime.

Putting things into the proper perspective re Alsdedt vs Jensen

I've been getting a lot of excellent comments lately since bringing back the anonymous option. 
This comment deserves its own post because it clearly puts into perspective the two worlds that Trimet employees live in.
One is a world with privilege, entitlement, huge salaries, and basically zero interface with Trimet's customers.
The other world is being on stage hours at a time, getting up at gawd awful hours or going to sleep late into early morning, exposing yourself too all sorts of pathogens carried by bus rider, and a world where you are expected to put up with Verbal abuse, read below to get the picture

Plan to use decommissioned Muni buses for showers gains traction

The reason this is interesting to me is that I email Fred Hansen a suggestion about turning all those junk buses at Merlo into some sort of shelter for Portland's homeless. He never responded.

Plan to use decommissioned Muni buses for showers gains traction | Other News | San Francisco | San Francisco Examiner


But not seen on TRIMET'S HOW WE ROLL BLOG!


I'm pretty convinced that the BART managers did all this intentionally. It's how the power elite do things, trying to put the workers look greedy, and this certainly did that. This is the sort of thing we can expect from Trimet executives


Roberta Altsdadt
It has been brought to my attention that if the case against Lane Jensen was brought by Trimet it would say Trimet vs Lane Jensen.

It is  one Trimet manager Roberta Aldstedt (sorry don't know the exact spelling and have no intention of looking it up every time I use it) who is using Trimet resources such as the Trimet police and  Trimet district attorney to prosecute him. 
 She is also using her presence to prevent Lane from attending public meetings by pretending he is a threat to her.
It needs to be brought to the public's attention that Ms Altsdadt could have blocked his number from her phone, or could have sought a restraining order against Lane, but the plan was obviously to wait till Lane fell into the trap that was set up for him.
There were 5 months between the two incidents of 'telephone harassment'. 
She took no steps to mitigate this situation.
Although she is the only one who is 'charging' Lane with criminal activity Lane is unable to contact any other manager at Trimet.

No matter how they try to justify this action, it is an obvious abuse power and the abuse of police authority.



Sorry, not brought to you by the Trimet Accountability Center,  they don't have that much accountability over there. This presentation is brought to you by THIS GUY

Sun 12/01/13 11:50 AM Channel 22
  Tue 12/03/13 01:05 PM Channel 23
 Fri 12/06/13 09:00 AM Channel 22
 Sat 12/07/13 01:00 AM Channel 11
 Mon 12/09/13 11:00 AM Channel 23
Watch the sock puppets on TV as they cheer our fearless leader and give him raises!

What the hell is up with YouTube these days

I'm not allowed to comment on my own posts? WTF?


In this episode we explore 'cartopia' with my co-star STEVE FUNG!

I thought he was talking about Trimet

Steve Buel
- Staff reports to board members and those in general are often written glossing over the issues raised by citizens and reflect instead the “company line”. Hence, it is extremely difficult for a board member to get a good handle on a district issue.
 - The budget is written in a manner which makes it pretty much indecipherable to the average citizen preventing close scrutiny by the public. 
-Many of our procedures which are used to assess difficulties in the district are weighted in favor of making the district look good as opposed to being fair.

- Obtaining public records in PPS(trimet) is astronomically hard and delayed beyond anything which is reasonable. 
- We often use the idea of “community” decision making to mask that we actually made the decision. If we have a community forum on a topic, then this often means we consider the topic resolved.
 - We stall with the response, “We are working on that”.
-We restrict teachers from teaching then hold them responsible for the outcomes.(drivers get bad scheduling then get blamed for being late) 
- We blame our response to federal and state mandates on the federal and state mandates instead of on our response to them.
-We often control the committee structures so they don’t include people who might give us a different perspective  or we structure the committee agendas to only include those issues we want to be addressed.   
-We have an administrative culture which rewards loyalty as opposed to initiative and true leadership. 
-We say we will work on a problem in the future, but the future never comes.
- Some administrators will lie by omission and some will just dead out lie.  See THIS POST

PPS Board Member Steve Buel Lashes Out

Profound comments

Instead of going after the thugs who stabbed two drivers John Corvic goes after bloggers. It’s easier and less dangerous to go after bloggers. Lane Jensen is the third blogger in Corvics ten year with Tri Met. You know Tri Mets new motto “sticks and stones might break my bones but bloggers factual words just might hurt me”.

It’s a $1000 fine if you hit an operator but if a blogger dares to exercise his First Amendment Rights by asking a question of the government agencies Media Public Relations officer poor Miss that’s my job to answer your questions boo hoo hoo Roberta Alstead then its 15 years in jail and $78,000 in fines to make Blogger Lane Jensen go away finally

Friday, November 22, 2013


Like this: "TriMet does not decline to comment but that it would be inappropriate to comment since this is a personal case and TriMet has no involvement in the legal proceedings."

Fist of all the sentence is completely wrong because its a double negative. But even beyond that she still contends that Trimet has no role in the case when its:

1-The Trimet DA that is prosecuting the case
2-The Trimet police that made the arrests
3-Lane is banned from speaking at Trimet board meetings
4-Lane is banned from talking to anyone at Trimet except JC Vanetta.

Come on Mary, we know you have limitations but this is ridiculous


And today they interviewed me and of course I filmed the whole thing myself at the same time. This is unedited and uncut.
Also I hear Bruce Hansen won't return their calls and Trimet demands the list of questions in  advance.


Like other major disruptions, the MAX derailment Monday was an inconvenience to our riders and we appreciated their patience in this tough situation. We would like to recognize all those that jumped into action on Monday night to get the system moving again including our track maintenance crews, shuttle bus operators, customer service personnel and other staff who helped riders navigate the disruption. Crews identified that one of the track brakes had a faulty hanger bracket. The hanger bracket which attaches the track brake to the vehicle broke causing the brake to drop into the path of the second wheel set. The wheel set struck the three foot-long steel track brake causing one axel of the second wheel set to lift off the rails. Following this incident maintenance crews completed an additional visual inspection of all vehicles hanger brackets as a precaution. At the height of the evening rush hour, we had 29 buses serving as a shuttle to get MAX riders around the disruption. Again, a big ‘thank you’ to all involved in keeping our riders moving and restoring service!


John Copic waits patiently in his quest to jail Lane Jensen
He appears to be the DA that gets all the Trimet cases.
Here is a list of his cases

I'm sure he has been involved with plenty other cases than this.

He thinks this is a cut and dry case. "she told him not to text and he did".
Well I suppose technically that's true. But what did he text her and why?
We will all have to wait for jury trial to find out.

Blogger Pleads Not Guilty to Harassing TriMet Spokeswoman

“TriMet doesn't talk to bloggers,” said Al Margulies, a fellow blogger and former bus driver who attended the hearing.
Jensen is set to go to trial on January 7.

The state has five confirmed witnesses, said prosecutor John Kopick, who would not reveal their identities. Margulies said he may testify on Jensen’s behalf.
"It comes down to what's more important," said Margulies. “The First Amendment or a local telephonic harassment law?”