Monday, March 24, 2014


I'm not going to bore readers with yet another   bogus Trimet "fact check" since we all know these so called 'fact checks' are nothing but Trimet propaganda in response to something in the media that made the oligarchs  look bad, but here are the highlights

If an employee was promoted to a new position or increased responsibility, they were compensated to match those new responsibilities. (right, we all know that Trimet executives are a devious cunning bunch and have found all sorts of ways to avoid the word 'bonus' or raise'. The easiest way for those scum suckers to avoid saying those words is to change a job title)

Like many organizations, TriMet allows all non-union employees the opportunity to take unused vacation as taxable wages, either upon separation of employment or annually, as defined by policy and compliance with IRS regulations. The budget has to reflect that taxable income, which is separate from base salary. (how bout this ridiculous nonsensical explanation, THE BUDGET HAS TO REFLECT TAXABLE INCOME, pleeeeeeze)

TriMet budgets are reviewed annually by an outside audit firm. (that Trimess pays for)

Additionally, the recent Secretary of State’s audit reaffirms the agency’s concern with retiree healthcare benefits, stating that “the most serious and looming concerns” relates to the cost of health care benefits and the $852 million unfunded liability for retiree health care.(there it is again folks, they stick that in every single phony press release. Propaganda spoken over and over eventually gets believed.
By the skillful and sustained use of propaganda, one can make a people see even heaven as hell or an extremely wretched life as paradise.
(Adolf Hitler)

Well that's enough of Trimet nonsense, you can read their baloney HERE!

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