Monday, April 30, 2012

This is an odd place to store your lunch

This was at the Pier Park Layover.Were they feeding the mice  enchaladas?

No I am not missing it (txt MSG)

gosh this place is lovely!..u missing it yet?..farebox doesnt work, radio and overheads screwed up, the guy i got thje bus from tjrew all pieces of transfers under the seat..wipers making all kinds of noise...welcome to monday, ...enjoy ur day!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Something screwy with the Oregonian comments again

I can never tell what's going on with the Oregonian and me, I get banned there from time to time and apparently I am banned again. Not really important to me that they take my comments or not but I do want to respond to a comment made By Michael Anderson about the retirement being possible at 55 years old with 10 years in.

I was told that you could only receive benefits after 10 years in at 58 years of age but according to Anderson I am incorrect and he offers THIS EVIDENCE. (pg 132)

So basically I stayed three more years than I needed to? Damn!

Saturday, April 28, 2012


I was watching the 10 pm KPTV news and CTRAN had already released the on board video of the fatal crash between the bus and the the 11 year old.


They seem to be the only transit district in the country that does not release video evidence when something happens!

This company is the worst example of transparency in the entire transit industry!

How many runs does Trimet cancel each day?

Canceled Muni Bus Runs Draw New Attention to Bay Area Drivers’ Absenteeism -
But Mr. Austin, of the Muni operators union, said hiring drivers would not be as easy as it once was. He said Muni drivers bore the brunt of the blame for Muni’s slow and often late service.
“People aren’t clamoring to work here anymore,” Mr. Austin said. “With adversaries in City Hall, adversaries in the public, 
it rapidly becomes a job that’s just not worth it.” (this is the main reason I am getting out now)


call 911 if you know who this is

Mold on the Petri Dish Express

After thoroughly cleaning all the interior windows,I noticed the advertising placards had mold growing on them.When are we going to have clean buses for the drivers and the general public?

Gone through some drug testing-you need to get paid

The Union recently learned that TriMet may not have paid employees the reward payment for testing negative for reasonable suspicion (probable cause) and post accident alcohol and drug tests. Pursuant to the January 17, 1995 Alcohol and Drug Testing Policy Reward Payment Agreement, any employee who tests negative for a reasonable suspicion and/or post accident drug test is eligible to receive $100 or run/days work pay, whichever is greater. If you tested negative for these tests and were not paid the reward, contact your Union Representative. You will need to establish that you were tested, tested negative and did not receive the reward payment. This only applies to reasonable suspicion (probable cause) and post accident tests. It does not apply to random alcohol and drug tests.

 Amalgamated Transit Union -Local 757

Trimet union members vote for compromise with TriMet

 This is a major development in the dispute with Trimet, 757 members are no longer insisting that Trimet provide a fully paid health plan to union employees!

The vote count took place on Friday, April 27, 2012 and was supervised by Helen Goche, the duly elected Chair of the ATU 2012 Election Committee.
Proposal #1, maintain status quo: 336
Proposal #2, maintain status quo except insurance changes: 607

 Amalgamated Transit Union -Local 757

A former insider remarks:

The reporting of the SIP ULP outcome at this late date (April 26) is striking in it's lack of transparency.

This particular ULP decision is several months old..reporting on it now is demonstrates clear   disregard for truth and accountability by TriMet management.

TriMet staff used to sit in the Board audience with members of the public. It appears the "rules" have indeed changed. TriMet staff all line up and sit behind Neil--looks defensive and desperate..sad.

Take care.

Mcfarlanes BULLSHIT

At the last board meeting Mcfarlane talked about a decision that was handed down in Trimet's favor.
(video HERE)
That order was issued MORE THAN A YEAR AGO.( Read the order here.)
Yet he brings it up now?
I posted about this the day it was issued MARCH 30,2011

The most important aspect of this decision was that it was lost on a TECHNICALITY, not because of the argument that Mcfarlane presented to the board:

The total failure of our mainstream media

Most bloggers are fully aware of the complete failure of the mainstream media in covering the news that people really need to hear.
After all that's why most bloggers blog, to provide an alternative source of information that is not provided elsewhere.

Nothing illustrates this failure in regards to local transportation news more than the little dog that was riding around on the MAX train.

Every single news source in the Portland area, and more than a handful from out of the area covered that story.

But was there any coverage of Occupy Portland's action at the Trimet board meeting? NOPE!
Was there any coverage of OPAL's excellent presentation to the board of directors regarding the Trimet budget? NOPE.

The news is what the media decides is news, the rest you don't get to know.

All media exist to invest our lives with artificial perceptions and arbitrary values.
Marshall McLuhan

A legend in his own time-Herb Hansen

I ran into the Sultan of Smooth this afternoon at GTC 


And just think, not one of the people that worked on the OPAL budget made a six figure salary with golden parachute!

Click Here!

Trimet operators of the year

  • Bus Operator of the Year: Jacklyn Oswald
    Jacklyn Oswald, of Northwest Portland, is a Master Operator and has 11 years of Safe Driver Awards. She’s been with TriMet since 1989 and prefers working evening shifts so she can spend days with her children.
  • MAX Operator of the Year: Andrew Hicks
    Andrew Hicks, of Northeast Portland, has been at TriMet since 2006, and operating MAX trains since 2008. He is a Senior Operator, has earned five Safe Driver Awards as well as six Superior Performance Awards.
  • Part-time Bus Operator of the Year: Hallie Fowlkes
    Hallie Fowlkes, of Portland, will celebrate her fifth year at TriMet this September. She drives buses on lines 8, 12, 44, 70, 85 and 94. Fowlkes has achieved three Safe Driver Awards and has three years of perfect attendance.

Campaigning re:retirees ATU 757

No candidates will be allowed to speak about their campaign at the Retirees Chapter meeting until after nominations on May 20th.
Once you are an official nominee, you may meet with the ATU Retiree Chapter Executive Board to seek that body's endorsement for the position. The Executive Board meets on May 30th at 10:00 a.m. Please contact the Retirees' Financial Secretary, Virginia Carlyle at and request to be placed on the Executive Board's agenda.
Once you have become an official nominee, you may also speak about your campaign at the ATU Retiree Chapter meeting which will be on June 6, 2012. To do so, you must contact the Retirees' Financial Secretary, Virginia Carlyle at and request to be placed on the agenda for the Chapter meeting.
Please remember that Retiree members are only allowed to vote on the three top Union positions of President, Vice President and Financial Secretary. Therefore, only candidates for those three positions will be allowed to speak.
Thank you for your patience and cooperation in this matter.
Bill Wimmer
ATU Retiree Chapter


Hector's testimony: "People of Color are disproportionately transit-dependent, and disproportionately bus riders. It also means that POC are more likely to be two-zone single-fare riders, which is the group that will experience the largest fare increase under TriMet’s proposal. It also means that as bus service continues to be cut, POC are impacted the most because they will experience more missed connections due to a greater transfer rate.

Good comment on the budget at Portland Transport

I visited the SMART terminus at the Wilsonville end of WES today and saw posters forthrightly stating that only registered service dogs were allowed on SMART buses; companion animals offering psychological support are not compliant with American with Disabilities Act standards and are forbidden.
Is there a line item in TriMet's budget to enforce stated policy that pets aboard must be in cages? On the 77 out by Edgefield yesterday a couple of old drunks got on with some sort of big mongrel Doberman cross--I felt sorry for the dog!
I have seen dogs with their dirty behinds plastered on seats where people are supposed to sit, and smelled others wafting various stinks and allergies. Further malign influences are easily imagined.
Operators give the impression that they do not like such boarders, but TriMet refuses to back them up. I spoke with TriMet about it a while back, but they intended to do nothing.
Maybe they should just charge the critters a separate fare; that would make it a budget item.

The curse

Not a good day to be a MAX rider-eyewitness

one lady said she was on max from 510 to 630 just from downtown to btc

Testimony at tomorrows board meeting

There are some elements of the proposed budget that move TriMet in the right direction. I support the proposals to eliminate the free-rail zone and reduce streetcar funding. Rail passengers have been coddled for far too long and these changes will require them to finally put some skin in the game.
Notwithstanding this progress, the budget overall has serious problems that the Board needs to address. The first is the assumption that management will win its protracted dispute with the ATU. Management has been forecasting this outcome for years, and has consistently been wrong. Examples of past predictions include the following:
  • TriMet press release, April 13, 2011: “The FY2012 budget assumes that a new Working and Wage Agreement with the ATU has benefits more in line with peer agencies, and consistent with those contained in TriMet’s July 2010 Final Offer.”
TriMet FY 2012 budget message, July 2011: “A critically important assumption upon which TriMet’s financial forecast and the FY 12 Adopted Budget are based is that TriMet enters into a Working and Wage Agreement WWA) with the Amalgamated Transit Union, probably through the binding arbitration process, and that the wages and benefits are consistent with those contained in TriMet’s July 2010 Final Offer….”
Read the rest of the article HERE!

God please give us LIGHT RAIL!


I need to ask 1743 of you to do something fairly simple and very important over the next few months. Look in your mail at home for an envelope from TriMet. We’ve hired an outside company called Mercer to conduct a “dependent eligibility audit”—which means documenting that everybody who gets health insurance through TriMet is eligible to do so. In the envelope you’ll find a letter from me, a list of dependent eligibility requirements, and a short form that lists who’s on your medical/dental plan. It’s simple – if you have someone on your health insurance plan that shouldn’t be there – take them off.
In a small number of cases, we expect that employees may read the list of requirements and realize someone is listed on their plan who shouldn’t be. During this “amnesty phase”—which lasts through May 18—anyone in that situation can just check the “NOT ELIGIBLE” box to remove the person, return the form to Mercer and there will be no penalty.


BRU members are busy preparing testimony for tomorrow's TriMet Board Meeting. A lot of people have given feedback on TriMet's proposed budget, but no one has yet put forth a concrete alternative. Our proposal has all the benefits of TriMet's proposal AND we protect riders and increase ridership. Join us tomorrow 9am-11am at TriMet's Board of Directors meeting in the City of Portland building.

Why I don't use the MAX to get to the airport in the mornings

Due to a switch problem, MAX Red Line trains are not running between Beaverton Transit Center and Washington Park station. Use Blue Line trains. Expect Red Line disruption to continue for next hour.

Been listening to this all morning-what are they doing?

( the answer to your question is "DAQ testing" for comparison of the existing 450MHz radio system to the new 700MHz radio system.)

At TriMet – The Buses Are Rolling Without any Wheels

By Jonathan Hunt, President
It has been a record number for one year.  I am referring to the number of local newspaper articles and editorials published about TriMet, its financial problems and its contract dispute with the Union representing TriMet employees.  While most of these articles and editorials were slanted in favor of TriMet, the main theme in all of them is that TriMet’s problems were caused by everyone else, except by inept senior management.  And the latest editorial in The Oregonian, which was published in the April 20, 2012 edition, is no exception.


Brothers and Sisters,
By now, I’m sure you have gotten the proposed compromise in the mail.  And I must say, this has been one of the most interesting so-called negotiations and labor disputes, which I have been a part of.  One of the things that bother me the most is:  WHEN DID WE START FIGHTING BACK?????????? So far I have seen no ultimatums from the union on the issues of labor.  “We” work hard to make the system go, and “our” pockets grow, and “our” futures are influx due to Trimet cutting away “our” benefits, while this union lies down and does nothing.  Filing lawsuit after lawsuit, is only a stop-gap in a labor dispute, it may or may not come out in “our” favor.  The question still remains, “WHEN DID WE ACTUALLY START FIGHTING BACK???????? As I have observed, using the same argument when disproven in front of the Board does nothing but wastes time (although that should be done at every opportunity), and these informationals are a waste time, due to the fact that almost no one is interested in hearing the same argument over and over again, they become disinterested in “our” plight, just look at the last turn out, not many of “us” were there in support of “our” cause, why, “we” don’t see it as going anywhere. For the past eight plus months, I have (and others) have stated that “we” need to go into a different direction, due to this useless tack, “is not” working to change the argument in “our” favor.  That is sad.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Where your TriMet money goes.

Note how very little of it actually goes to...oh, you know, OPERATING A TRANSIT SYSTEM.


We can see in this streetcar budget proposal the type of misinformation and intentional misleading of public opinion:

Contribution to the Streetcar is $9.3M, prior contribution was $6M. Initial planned contribution was $9.6M, the $300k difference has been portrayed by TriMet as a cut. OPAL seems to regard the Streetcar (and TriMet's contribution thereto) as a luxury item and a waste of money, and appears to skeptical of TriMet getting too much involved in getting into the land-use business, and appears to be opposed to some (if not all) of this subsidy. The increase is due to the upcoming opening of the Eastside Streetcar. TriMet's position is that its funding of the Streetcar is essentially the same amount of money that it would take to provide equivalent bus service on the route.

good point

@PDXtrimetrider Not all buses have passenger counters. Those that do don't necessarily have the same equipment. Bus 1627 doesn't have one.
@trimet then how can you be accurate when you say 51 doesn't have enough ridership, thus you can cut service? 1627 is a regular bus on 51?

Rhode Island senator has the right idea-when will our legislators figure it out?

The Smithfield Democrat says Odimgbe has failed to handle the transit agency's budget problems. Tassoni says RIPTA should have eliminated higher paid middle- and upper-management positions before considering service cuts or the elimination of maintenance workers.

 RI Senator calls for firing of transit chief -

Trimet dependent audit in process

This is a comment from someone who got one of the letters about this:

Anyone receive TRIMET Dependent Audit. DO SIGN WITHOUT READING. Here is letter I sent the union. 
I have serious concerns on this latest TRIMET letter stating PARTICIPATION REQUIRED. The form they want me to sign is a NOT ELIGIBLE form. There is not place to state my dependents are eligible, they want us to sign a blank form that TRIMET that states By signing this form, I state that the above dependents for whom I have indicated removal do not meet Trimet Employee Benifits Plan dependent eligibility plan. 
I am NOT signing a blank check for TRIMET to remove my dependents.
And why are we having to reverify who our dependents are, isn't that done during Open Enrollment?  


The starter at Broadmore Golf course paired me with a dude named Joey.After a few holes, he asked what I did for a living.On the long par 5 at number 4, he told me his brother started as a mini runner 5 years ago and went full time about a year after wards.He lasted only 1 year.After being relegated to long splits and a steady diet of 4's and 6's, he literally walked off a route one day in the middle of the paddle.A supervisor met him in route to no avail.His brother was miserable for that year he was full time and is happily employed elsewhere.Ha!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

TWEETS you won't see on the 'how we roll' blog

Almost go hit by two teenage girls in their mom's minivan. ? Haha they hit the trimet pole instead of my car tho.

just arrived at gresham tc on the 9, 5min ahead of schedule. Wonder if the driver flooring all the way here was the cause. Num 9-42.

u shoulda seen the way he pulled in at 136th (stop 4585). If I wasn't standing by a telephone pole, I fear I may have been hit.

TWEETS you won't see on the 'how we roll' blog

 Lol @trimet sign at Broadway and Everett says stop closed and points to stop at Everett and park. Sign at Everett and park sends to Broadway

Ran out of all day Trimet passes today, stranger hands me a valid ticket right before I was going to buy one. #win

My commute: Bus to Clack TC, MAX to Beav TC, WES to Hall & Nimbus. It takes 2 hours, but I always feel like I got my $'s worth from Trimet.

@ehurtley @rdpollard @twd3lr I don't think he's used to mass transit yet. He comes from AR where they have 1 bus to service the entire state

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Good Bus Stop Design - in Eugene

 Here is a standard service (not EmX) bus stop near Valley River Center.  Nice, large bus shelter, clean and well-maintained, and even some artistic detail in the station design.

TriMet's Randy Stedman Hard at Work Earning Those Big Bucks By Sowing Confusion

Amalgamated Transit Union -Local 757

  • Stedman was hired to be a union buster. Other people applied for Stedman's position who have a history of working well with union employees. They didn't get the job, instead, TriMet's "management team" gave the job to Stedman. Probably because he brags on his resume that he was able to get a pro-union election overturned in the State of Washington. (See his resume, pages two and three.)
  • Mt. Hood Community College hired Stedman and found itself on the brink of a strike. Only after Stedman left the college did labor relations return to normal and a strike was averted.
  • Stedman played absolutely no role in bargaining for the TriMet contract so he hasn't a clue what happened or what has been proposed. Who is he really the mouthpiece for?
  • The Union has asked TriMet to clarify, in writing, its confusing unprofessional proposal language regarding pensions on numerous occasions and TriMet failed and refused to do so. Now Stedman has produced his letter. Since he has no role in the TriMet bargaining, is TriMet bound by his statements about the pension proposals? We're still waiting to hear from the authorized TriMet negotiators.
  • The figures on the Union's health insurance table were TriMet's own figures. For example, we used the numbers in TriMet's mailing to the employees for employee cost and the total premium charged the Union for health insurance as the total premium number since we have not been able to get consistently clear figures from TriMet. It appears Stedman is confused and must have rolled dental dental and other benefits into his figures - the parties bargained ONLY about health insurance premiums - not the other benefits. (See TriMet's mailing to employees and TriMet's billing to the Union.
  • As stated in the document, the current pension plan is $75+ per month for each year of service. TriMet's proposal is that all new hires will be put in a new 401(k) stock market-based plan probably of TriMet's choosing.
  • Stedman apparently failed to read the case the Union won since the $1000 was already in an offer made by the Union and that offer is in the evidence that went before ERB.
Bottom line: TriMet generates a confusing, unprofessional proposal, will not provide clear, accurate information, refuses to provide written clarification and then has its hired union-buster use company resources to complain. TriMet management's professionalism is at a new low...

Jarret Walker hits the nail on the head

Walker took some potshots at the U.S. streetcar revival, saying it focused on short lines, and that streetcar fervor may only stigmatize buses further. He noted that Portland is about to open another streetcar line while drastically slashing bus service.
 “Should transit be fun, or functional?” Yes | Seattle Times Newspaper


Translink Metro bus drivers abandoned their vehicles outside Belfast City Hall in protest at a colleague's suspension

Portland public schools operate like Trimet transit district

In the midst of $27.5 million in budget cuts, the chiefs — who earn six-figure salaries — will keep their jobs.

 Big salaries escape school cuts

WES Works, to your favorite Tigard High School sporting event!

WES Works!

Except...the nearest WES station is 1.5 miles away (in Tualatin, two miles to Tigard TC)...WES won't get you to any of the other games (Forest Grove, Hillsboro, Century High School in Beaverton, Newberg, McMinnville, or Grant High School in Portland, or Hayward Field in Eugene), or serve a number of these events occurring on a Saturday.

It's bad enough that TriMet doesn't even have a bus that serves Tigard High School (unless you count a bus stop 1/3rd of a mile away - which if applied equally to Neil McFarlane, would require him to use a bus stop on S.E. Powell or S.E. McLoughlin Boulevard and then walk to Center Street.)


Many of you have been asking about how TriMet is calculating union pensions. Let me first say - nothing has changed.
The pension for vested union employees is calculated at $75.15 per year of service. This has not changed and TriMet has not proposed to change or reduce it.
I thought you should know.


Action sees bus driver reinstated
Scores of bus drivers have abandoned their vehicles in Belfast city centre for around an hour in a bid to get a suspended colleague reinstated.
Union leaders hailed the action on Friday a success after receiving assurances that the Metro service driver had been allowed back to work. They also apologised for the inconvenience to passengers stranded during the late-morning protest. Bus operators Translink said the action was unofficial and unnecessary.
It is understood the driver was suspended over an incident involving the handle of the bus's manual ramp for disabled passengers. The driver's union said their member had been disciplined after allegedly breaking off the handle.


Accounting Manager
Open until filled; non-union, full-time; external/internal opening

Appraisal Specialist
Closes Friday, April 27, 2012; non-union, full-time; external/internal opening

Communication Specialist
Friday, May 4, 2012; non-union, full-time; external/internal opening

Construction System Safety Specialist
Open until filled; non-union, full-time; external/internal opening

Engineer I - Rail Vehicle
Closes Friday, April 27; non-union, full-time; external/internal opening

Manager, Customer Information
Closes Friday, May 11, 2012; non-union, full-time; internal/external opening

Senior Budget & Forecasting Analyst
Opening until filled; non-union, full-time; external/internal opening

Part-time Bus Operator
Open until filled; union, part-time; external/internal opening

Senior HRIS Analyst
Open until filled; non-union, full-time; external/internal opening

Systems Engineer II - Linux/Unix Server
Open until filled; non-union, full-time; external/internal opening

Systems Engineer II - Network
Open until filled; non-union, full-time; external/internal opening

Trimet supposed final offer

I called down to Trimet's administrative offices in an attempt to actually find out where I can find the 'real" final offer from Trimet, THIS is what I get when I try to call down there.

Helium Comedy Club

Go check out Marc Maron this weekend if you can swing it.He has all new material.


I ran into several managers during this little visit to center street.
It's interesting how much kinship I feel towards them, even though I have had a predominately adversarial relationship with most of them.


Due to a switch problem, some WES Commuter Rail trains are experiencing minor delays. Plan extra time for your commute. (this morning)

Confusion reigns

Well I attended the sign up and what ended up happening is that I ran into Sandy Guengrich and Jeff Ackerson and the conversation ended up being about the impending arbitration.
And what came out of those conversations is that if we LOSE this arbitration all of the current Trimet employees retirement will be based on $42/mo.
Research provided us with information that explains that the $42/mo was based on 1992 figures. According to a formula that amount has been increased each year since then.
However the sheet we received does not indicate that, which means either there is critical information missing from the union sheet or the company wants everybody to go back down to 1992 levels of pension.
Also I ran into Randy Steadman on the elevator and he told me that option 2 for the union is not an option and the time is up for final offers.
It's in the arbitrators hand, one or the other.
As usual Trimet says white/the union says black.
I didn't hang around for the sign up, I left it in Sandy Guengrich's hands.
I'm not sure if I am going to hang around with all the uncertainty.
I just got further information that Proves that Mr Steadman was wrong about the final offer two weeks before the final arbitration hearing. Why would he tell me that?

We love light rail

Passengers abandoned at Transit center

A driver friend of mine had an emergency the other night and couldn't complete the route. \The riders had to get off at a transit center. It was the last bus on that route of the night.
Trimet abandoned those riders, they were left stranded, no other bus came to pick them up.
This happens more than people know.
It's symbolizes the complete and total failure of Trimet as a reliable transit system


I am actually going to a sign up! Haven't been to one of those in more than a decade!
While I'm interested to see exactly what choice I will have (I will have 19 choices) I also want to blog the sign up process. Of course I had better be careful and avoid getting anybody on video since I could be FIRED ON THE SPOT (or at least suspended) for violating the sacred rule. (I have personally witnessed dozens of other Trimet employee pictures/videos that are in violation but of course I am the only employee who actually gets in trouble for it, SOP for Trimet, persecute the people 'they' don't like look the the other way for the people 'they' do like)

The other reason I am going is to visit my favorite place HR (human resources) so I can find out the EXACT procedure for doing my retirement.


 (regarding the ballot being sent to union members)
What I'm asking is show me proof that Trimet is broke!! Up till now we were told that status quo was good. Why the change? Why No documents shown (at least to the E-Board). Just words, hmmm have we heard those before? Sam has always said follow the money. This would be a great Idea for our current leader to hold an open forum for Q&A.
 Oh yea why has Trimet management taken over a MILLION dollars in pay raises,and job creations ? Is Trimet's money problem self inflicted?

Leroy Hudson gets 75 days in jail

guilty of one count of harassment and two counts of interfering with public transportation stemming from an assault of a TriMet operator on Jan. 24, 2012.


I didn't know this guy but they actually decorated his bus on his last day.  I don't know how anybody could actually drive a bus that long but my hats off to him. He seems to be in pretty good shape from the picture.

Trimet activist H.B.

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
I found out some information from a third party concerning two cases of Hepatitis B, although I do not know the people involved it is not surprising that this possibly could occur on the “dirty buses/trains” that “we” occupy.  In one of the cases, I heard that one of the persons went to management and stated that they contracted it from their bus/train.  Management promptly told them that they would have to prove that they contracted it from their job.  The employee would have to take blood tests daily in order to get proof, other words, saying, “You” didn’t get it on the job.  In the long run our Brothers/ Sisters have to pony-up, and pay the extra expense that should be covered by an on-the-job injury. 

Oxymoron of the Week: Tri-Met Customer Satisfaction

(Jack Bog's Blog)
I defended Trimet in this instance, that doesn't happen very often.

I get Merlo garage-extra board-Wed/Fri off

I had been wondering when they were going to get around to letting me know what was going on with the full time move.
I got a call from a Trimet person who gave me the options, being #1 I got to choose my garage.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Tweeted by the mayor of Portland

@MayorSamAdams: .@trimet? RT @djaynes18 riding the max and the ticket machines not working at two thirds of the stops yet pub. Trans handing out $200 tix

Sorry-no reroute available

@trimet: Due to police activity Downtown, MAX Green and Yellow Lines are not serving the transit mall. Take MAX Blue and Red Lines.

Sunday, April 15, 2012


Kitzhaber, nothing but a disappointment to the labor movement, has made clear where he stands.
The removal of the lone voice of dissent on the Trimet board means very bad things, for riders and employees.
We now have a completely corporatist board, a board of career technocrats and big money businessmen.
You know what that means, the 1% have completely taken over governance of Trimet.
And we have a general manager who who is a ruthless cutthroat career technocrat, living off tax payer subsidies for over 25 years.
Another government "servant" who will walk away from his government 'service' a millionaire with a pornographic pension just like Fred Hansen.