I no longer watch these board meetings even though they can provide interesting details that will not be found anywhere else. I finally came to the conclusion that knowing all these "details" is completely useless as it doesn't matter what we know.
Nothing will change by any of us knowing any of this. So what's the point of watching the puppets when it does not translate into anything that can create change.
Its a crime syndicate, just like all the rest of the industrial complexes that control our lives. Government steals our taxes and funnels it upwards into projects that serve no one but the elites that are running everything now. The corporations hike prices solely to pay more dividends to the elite stock holders and hand their CEO's hundreds of millions in compensation. This is not a "trimet" thing, its everything now.
We are living in a society run by criminals and they are stealing everything. All we peasants can do is watch as"they" are not trying to hide any of this blatant corruption. Its in plain sight, they even brag about it.
Our Congress, Stock Market, and Supreme Court are rank whore houses and casinos, peopled by sleazeballs, grifters and flimflam men, our Treasury and Federal Reserve are wizards in the dark art of making money from nothing, and our hugest billionaires pay no taxes, as working paupers foot the bill for their owners.
As we know TriMet is hardly the “leader” in technology but coming up at the next puppet show they give more money to these failed contractors cause thats what they do https://trimet.org/meetings/board/pdfs/2024-06-26/Resolution%2024-06-34%20%E2%80%93%20Authorizing%20Modification%20of%20Temporary%20Services%20Contracts%20for%20Information%20Technology.pdf
Also at the next TriMet puppet show they will give away $15,000,000 to “design“ the next useless pork barrel on 82nd Avenue rather than just provide more buses on that corridor cause that’s what they do. Steal your taxes and give it away to pork barrels https://trimet.org/meetings/board
At the TriMet puppet show they will be giving away $295,000 for “pre construction” work (cause the people that work at TriMet don’t actually do anything)
all this pork will go to “minority“ contractors of course
Everyone thinks the TriMet radio systems are total garbage. So of course let’s give them more millions. The puppets approve everything https://trimet.org/meetings/board/pdfs/2024-06-26/Resolution%2024-06-37%20%E2%80%93%20Authorizing%20a%20Contract%20with%20Tait%20Communications%20for%20Radio%20System%20Managed%20Services.pdf
$3.7 million for some crap at the absurd “columbia bus base”— exemption required to give it to the preferred contractor https://trimet.org/meetings/board/pdfs/2024-06-26/Resolution%2024-06-38%20%E2%80%93%20Authorizing%20an%20Exemption%20from%20Low%20Bid%20Requirements%20for%20General%20Site%20Prep%20and%20Construction%20of%20MDF.pdf…
millions and millions on pork but we “can’t find operators to bring your service back