
Monday, January 17, 2011


 I, Christopher Day as a member in good standing of ATU757 am requesting that charges of conduct unbecoming a member placed on Ellen Fox. Miss Ellen Fox has been continually making accusations about me to other members and in public postings. These postings and statements have been continuing since mid-2008. Miss Ellen Fox’s damaging accusations towards me has created a bulling, intimidating, harassing and slanderous environment for me. Without documentation to prove her accusations as truths it is considered Defamation, Libel and Slander to my character and can result in damages this next union election. Her actions have not been limited to me; she has taken similar actions upon other members to create a bulling, intimidating, harassing and slanderous environment for them as well. Most members that have been exposed to these actions have not step forward because the lack of documentation and how isolated most events had been. These other members have found it better to just stay clear of her actions and to avoid her.

Click Here!
And here!

Needless to say, I will be a signatory on these charges

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